CHAPTER 18: What's In Store

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Throughout the entire plane ride over, I didn't want to explain to Variella exactly what was going on until we got to the safe house.

She however, decided that until I told her what was going on, she wasn't going to talk to me and honestly, I was going crazy.

When we finally arrived at our safe house, we settled into all of our rooms.

Since we were all feeling jet-lagged, Variella and I decided to take a nap in our room. Except before we did, she just laid on her side in the bed, turned away from me.

"Variella." I began.

"Unless you're explaining to me in what's going on, I have nothing ti say to you." She says.

"Fair enough. I will tell you what's going on but just hear me out please." I started.

It takes her a moment before she then turns over onto her other side, now with us facing one another.

"What?" She says.

"Larry, the guy I got in a fight with. He uh, he's not someone you really should ever double cross. He's hurt so many and is sick and twisted. Then the way he talked to you and looked at you, just promise me that no matter what, you will stay with me." I start to plead.

She looks at me now with a worried look and tears in her eyes.

"I told you already I would." She tells me.

"Larry is the one that got my ex girlfriend raped and murdered. He was the one who initiated it and I can't have that happen to you. I would never be able to forgive myself." I confess with tears feeling like they are about to fall down my face.

"Darius, it's okay." She says as she places her hand on the side of my face as we look into each other's eyes. "I'm not going anywhere and nobody's going to hurt me." She says.

I then touch the side of her face and rub my thumb gently on her cheek.

"Variella, I love you." I tell her.

"I love you too." She smiles back at me.

We kiss each other and make love before falling asleep in one another's arms.

Later on, we woke up around dinner time and when we opened up our eyes and saw each other, neither one of us needed to say anything because we both already knew we had ready said enough.

I never thought I would ever be able to say 'I love you' to anyone again since my ex and now that I did, I have so many mixed emotions right now.

Honestly I feel a little scared because she's got me hooked. More than I think I have ever been. I know this all might seem too sudden and too fast with the I love you's but I guess it really is true what they say about how the heart wants what the heart wants.

While walking downstairs to join everyone, we saw that the food my men had gone out to buy had just returned and were setting up the table.

While sitting and eating pizza, we all tried to think of stuff to talk about so that we could avoid any awkward silence but of course, I could tell everyone wanted to know about why we all up and left so fast.

"So, I'm just gonna say it..." Kix started. "What's going on?" He asks me.

"A few days ago, I discovered something. I might have made things a little worse by getting in a fight with Larry last night but, I had found that Blake works with him."

Then just like that, the room became dead silent and remained that way along with everybody surprised at what I just said. Then I see Variella who I can tell is about to have a panic attack and to be honest, this was exactly what I was worried about having happen but I have to tell her, all of them in what's to come.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

I wonder what it is and could be?! 🤔🤔

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