CHAPTER 27: Sick & Twisted

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I was more than happy and excited that Darius had come for me and then found me. I hadn't been in the bathroom for too long before he had found me and now, right when I thought we were gonna be able to leave and not worry about Blake or anyone stopping us, I felt two arms grab me from behind and immediately I started screaming but then I saw one of Blake's guys then knock out Darius causing him to fall and caught him before he hit the floor and started to carry him away along with me.

The guy that had me in his grasp, hit me really hard across the face and caused me to become real dizzy so he then picked me up and carried me down the stairs.

Which he had to have been strong as the hulk or something because of him being able to pick me up and carry me without a problem.

Once I finally came to, I felt myself being set onto my feet on the ground and was just coming to and no longer being dizzy anymore.

Then I saw Darius along with Kix, Torrence and Morielle all tied up and beaten badly as they seemed to have been tied to the chairs.

Next I feel myself being forced to sit down onto a chair facing all of them, having both my wrists rope tied behind my back and then my ankles being zip tied to the chair legs.

"You're such a fucking asshole Blake!" I tell him as I see the guy that carried in Darius begins tying him up.

"I'm not the enemy here sweetheart. At least I had been honest with you in who I was." Blake starts to say as he walks over in front of me and kneels down.

"The hell you were. You took me to that party and tried to fucking whore me out." I remind him.

"Well, besides that, which I eventually would have told you but you just couldn't wait. But as far as everything else, you were just too blind and stupid to see the real me. I never hid myself. You saw what you wanted to see." He says.

"You're so fucking stupid. You never..." I began but he got up and grabbed my face harshly forcing me to look up at him.

"Let's refresh your memory, shall we?" He asks.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he just stands there smirking at me.

"Do you remember that night when I took you to that steakhouse for dinner and you went off to use the restroom and then came back and noticed I was doing a deal then and there with one of the waiters? Giving him some cash along with a packet of drugs?" He asks with a cocked eyebrow.

"No." I tell him then wince as he squeezes my face tighter.

"Bullshit! You fucking remember. You saw what I did and still you refused to see it. Then there was the day when I picked you up from work and then we had ran some of my errands. Those manila envelopes, obviously you could tell there was lots of cash in them. Not to mention the packets I had you hand me sometimes. That wasn't salt." He states.

"Okay fine. Maybe I did choose to ignore it. But that's still no excuse for anything you have done!" I exclaimed before spitting in his face which made Morielle, Kix and Torrence laugh a little bit.

The men with guns held against their heads and cocked them making them all shut up.

Blake chuckles in a sinister way also and takes out his handkerchief and wipes it off after removing his grip and slapping me hard.

"You see? You always knew." He laughs.

Then I look up and hear Darius groaning and wince as he starts to open his eyes and finally wake up.

I next wince as I feel Blake yank my hair back harshly and forces me to look at all of my friends and Darius. Then lets go of me and has one of his men put a gun up to my head and then has the guy who carried Darius and tied him to the chair, yank on his hair and forces him to look at me.

"We're gonna play a game guys. Who likes games as much as I do?" Blake asks.

I swear he is so twisted and sick.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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