CHAPTER 25: F*** You!!

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I woke up with a really bad pain in the front part of my head and grabbed it as I felt it make the rest of my head start to throb and become quickly almost unbearable.

Then as I opened and adjusted my eyes a little more and took a look around, I noticed I was in a disgustingly dirty and grotesque room.

While looking around, I then hear a door open from not too far away and see a couple of men come walking in with one carrying a bowl of something along with a glass of water.

"Here." He says as he tosses the bowl towards me and it looks unappetizing, almost as though it was old oatmeal.

"Where am I? What's going on?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough. In the meantime, eat up." He says before leaving while the other guy who walked down here with him took a seat in one of the chairs close by to the cell I was in.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I'm not doing this to you." The guy replies without making eye contact as he lights up a cigarette.

"Blake." I say under my breath.

"You should really eat." He says before blowing out smoke and sitting back watching me.

"I'm not hungry." I lie as my stomach begins to growl.

"Sure. But you see Princess, it ain't up to you. Blake wants you to eat up." He says before taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, we can't necessarily starve you to death before your soon-to-be owner, comes and collects you. Although you could stand to lose some weight so he can enjoy you even more but I guess some like the fatty's." He smirks.

"You're lying. Besides, where is Larry? Why isn't he down here?" I ask.

"Because Larry has been disposed of." He says.

"I don't believe this." I say under my breath.

"Aww don't be so sad. I'm sure this guy will be good to you." He says with an evil grin.

"Fuck you." I glare at him before then picking up the bowl of slop, as I'm calling it and I throw it at him along with the water right after and he quickly stands up then puts out his cigarette and stomps over towards the cell.

"Fucking bitch!" He says.

He starts to unlock the cell door and comes up and kneels down in front of me and hits me across the face.

"You fucking fat ugly whore!" He yells as he hits me again before getting on top of me.

"Asshole get the fuck off of me!" I yell back at him while struggling to do anything with my rope tied up hands and then finally somebody thankfully comes down and stops him.

Which was perfect as I grabbed his switchblade knife he had hanging half out of his pocket and quickly put it in my bra before he looks back at me. 

"Hey, Blake wants to see you." The guy says.

"I'll be back fucking slut." He says before slapping me hard again.

Then he stands up and after locking the cell door, he leaves with the guy. Then as soon as I hear the door close, I take the knife and open it up and start to try and untie the rope around my ankles before trying to free my wrists and though it took me longer, it still worked and then now it was moving onto the cell door and trying to pick the lock.

It's really hard and tricky with the knife but I did read somewhere that it can be done.

I try to unlock it and right when I feel as though I finally have it, I hear the door from upstairs open up and down comes that asshole again looking more pissed off but with a smile also as he starts opening the door while I sit back against the wall until he gets close enough for me to jam the knife into his neck and start twisting it, making sure the wound doesn't close.

He yells in pain while grabbing the knife and falling to the ground while I grab the gun from the back of his pants and begin to slowly and cautiously make my way up the stairs.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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