CHAPTER 6: Keep My Distance

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I was sitting in a meeting and just finished up with an important client of ours when I had gotten a call from my cousin, Morielle. She had told me that even though she didn't see the guy I was wanting her to look out for, she mentioned that she saw a couple of his men come in tonight which means their boss isn't too far away and will be showing his face real soon.

"Yeah well, we need to get Variella to a safe place. She has to stay at the house with us." She suggests.

"Fuck that! No! She doesn't know nor needs to know about our lifestyle. We can't trust her!" I exclaim. "Besides, this was why I told you not to make any friends or REAL ones." I remind her.

"Hey, I can't help it. Besides, if you don't do this, then when they realize that she's my best friend and has been seen with you, and you know they'll find out, would you rather have her blood on your hands or have them tell her?" She asks.

"Fuck! You owe me!" I reply after I think for a few moments before replying.

"Thank you!" She says sounding exhausted.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "Where is she now?" I ask.

"She's at her place. The sooner you do this, the better. So tonight would be best. Just, don't be an asshole and don't freak her out. I will meet you guys at the house and I will tell her everything." She says.

"Fine." I tell her and we hang up.

"Everything alright boss?" One of my men asks me.

"Yeah." I reply then we head to the car and I tell the driver to take me to her apartment.

While on our way over, I begin thinking about having this girl stay with us and hope that after Morielle tells her the truth, this girl doesn't go off and blab it to people. That would put all of us at risk.

So after we arrived and I surprised her or I should say more like I startled her, after our little argument and her tantrum/rant, she finally went into her bedroom and packed several stuff.

She then grabbed her jacket and purse before we headed outside and down the stairs. Once we got to the bottom, my driver grabbed all her bags and opened the door for her to get in and then we took off a moment later.

I stayed on my phone mostly throughout the car ride home and while on the ride over, I could hear her sniffling. Was she crying?

We finally pulled up to the house that I'm sure she won't ever forget from that one night but hey, wasn't my fault she went out with an asshole. At least I don't hide the fact I am one.

The moment I got out, I noticed she wasn't getting out. Infuriated, I balled my fists at my sides and began stomping around the front of the car towards her side until my right hand guy stopped me.

"Woah. Calm down." He says.

"Get out of my way." I warn him.

"Sir, I know it's not my place but you need to chill and see from her point of view. You just took from her place without an explanation and she has found out some things tonight. So relax." He tells me.

"I don't care. I'm not in the mood for this and am not gonna babysit her!" I tell him.

"Why don't you go inside and I'll take care of it." He says.

I think about it for a moment and decide that it would be better if he took care of it instead of me from the amount of anger I feel from not just this whole ordeal but also from the meeting earlier.

The moment I walked inside, I went into my office and locked the door then poured myself a few glasses of whiskey before sitting at my desk trying to think about everything.

I have so much frustration built up I need to let some go right now. So I take out my phone and dial up a girl I normally call every now and then when I need to relax.

Then right as I finish my third glass of whiskey, I hadn't realized how much time has gone by until I heard my sister come inside and by the time I got up and went out to greet her, she had ran up the stairs and into Variella's room which happened to be located a couple of rooms down from mine and Morielle's.

Soon after I see the front door open and in walks the girl I called.

"Hey sexy. It's been a while." She smiles.

"Yeah. Come on." I tell her as we head up to my bedroom and have some fun.

After she's finished, she leaves and I take a shower. Then I put some sweats on and start walking out to head down to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

It seems like everybody has passed out, except for of course the men outside protecting the house.

Then as soon as I turn the corner to walk into the kitchen, I stop when I notice that Variella has just finished making herself something to eat. She looks up and spots me and right away I can tell she had been crying as her eyes were red and puffy.

"I was just leaving." She says quietly and starts to walk out.

"Okay." I tell her not meaning to sound harsh but I guess it did because she stopped and turned towards me.

"Look, I know you don't want me here and I don't want to be here neither. But from what all I was told by Morielle, I know I don't have a choice. And I want you to also know that I promise I won't be in the way or try to cause you any trouble and I won't tell anyone about all this." She finishes and for some reason, maybe it's the way she sounded and the sadness in her voice that made me feel bad, but I did.

Though before I could say anything, she had already gone back upstairs.

Damn, maybe I had her all wrong. Plus, if Morielle says she's cool then I guess I should trust her.

I thought that by being an asshole that maybe she would ignore me and that way I don't have to worry about caring or getting too attached to her, but now, I'm confused as shit. Because I can't go through what I did again. I can't let THAT happen to someone like her.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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