CHAPTER 2: The LAST Thing I Need!

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"Please Mr. DeLucca. I swear I'll never be late on a payment again." The man that owes a huge debt to me and has been late on payments begs.

"Pff. You must have me mistaken for some other dumb ass who's more lenient. You KNEW before you made a deal with me the rules and what all the consequences were if there were no payments. So now, you have to suffer the consequences." I smirk at him.

"But Sir, I told you..." He began trying to explain once again that he has had a family emergency. Here's the thing though, this guy uses way too many excuses. So now, all that's left to do really is make an example out of him.

I take out my brass knuckles and begin throwing punches at him. Every blow is harder than the last. Teeth are flying out, blood squirts and then finally, the man is no longer breathing.

I might have a lot of his blood on my clothes and such but I needed to make an example out of him. I have a reputation to protect.

Afterwards, I decided to head on home and take a shower before passing out in bed. Although it became clear right away when I pulled up in the driveway that there was obviously a party going on.

My cousin I know was the one who started this. Luckily he's leaving tomorrow and as much as I love him cause he's family, sometimes I wish he wouldn't be such a dick in throwing one of his usual parties. I swear it's like a high school party with all the sluts and the alcohol except they're adults and he prefers throwing 'sex' parties.

I ignore it as long as everybody knows that upstairs is off limits. There's been too many incidences where skanks have come walking into my room either drunk or wanting to fuck me because of who I am. I never do that and besides, I have a booty call, Shanelle, to come and help out with those types of needs.

So I get out and go in through the back where I say 'hi' to a few of my guys guarding the backside of the house before I head inside and up towards my room.

I take a shower and toss my clothes in a bag like usual to have them taken care of later by one of the guys and scrub off all the blood.

For a moment I stand in the shower underneath the water as it cascades down my entire body. All while thinking about what I do.

Yeah, most wouldn't think I do things like that but I do. I always wonder about what else I could be doing if I wasn't do this as a career. Fuck it, I can't start thinking like that. I'm so tired. So I shut off the water, slick my hair back and tie the towel around my waist then as soon as I open the door, there standing just several feet away from me, was a curvy dark haired tall woman and she looked to be trying to use my phone? What the fuck?! That's when I start stomping my way up to her.

I then quickly turn her around roughly by the arm and harshly push her up against the wall, causing her to drop the phone.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!" I demand angrily at her. I hate people coming into my room randomly without my permission.

"I-I'm sorry. I was trying to look for a phone to call for a ride." She started to tell me while terrified.

"But why in here?! Why the hell in my room?! I don't like ANYONE, especially from downstairs to come into my room without an invitation first!" I seethe through my teeth while I tighten my grip on her wrists that I'm holding together.

"Please. I was tricked into coming and I...." She started to try and explain while hiding tears, I noticed, but before I could say anything else, we heard a knock at the door. I then heard the one person who I would love nothing more than to teach him a lesson, Blake. One of my biggest enemies at the.moment. His voice on the other side called a female's name that I'm assuming is this bitch's name.

I continued holding her against the wall as I glared at the door and then looked back and scowled at her. Then turned my attention back again at the door before letting go of her wrists after she had even more fear in her eyes after Blake said her name.....She's lucky I hate this fucker.

"Go in the bathroom and be quiet." I tell her and still shaking with fear, she does as I tell her to and closes the door behind her. Then I see she left her purse on the inn table beside my bed and quickly hide it under my pillow before I start making my way towards the door to answer it.

The moment I swung opened the door abruptly, there standing right in front of me was a pissed off Blake.

"Where is she, Darius?!" He asks.

"Where's who?" I asked to fuck with him.

"Don't you play dumb with me." He says all smug.

"Listen, I don't know why you're here but I can promise there's nobody in here. So if you value your life at all, I suggest you get the fuck out of my house and think twice before ever stepping foot on my property ever again." I warn him with my arms crossed.

He looks me up and down scowling. Then I notice him sniffing the air a little.

"She's not in here huh?!" He says tongue-in-cheek.

"That's what I said." I glare at him back.

"Then why do I smell her perfume?" He asks.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I did have some girl leave here a few minutes ago." I tell him.

"Yeah, right." He says while trying to come in but I stop him by pushing him back.

"I ain't gonna tell you again, get the fuck off my property, or else." He says.

"Or else what? I'm not afraid of you." He tells me.

I look behind him and notice my guys walking up the stairs towards him and give him a nod.

"Take this piece of shit and teach him a
lesson in why he shouldn't come back." I tell them as they roughly grab him and start dragging him downstairs towards the back to do what they do best.

Then I close my door and turn around to start walking towards the bathroom but stop half way when I notice the bathroom door open and out comes the girl.

"T-thank you." She says nervously. "I'm sorry I caused that to happen I just..." She began but I stopped her.

"Forget about it. He's being taken care of. So now would be a good time to leave." I tell her.

"Right." She says before she starts to head out.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Alright guys, starting to post chapters for this one and the 'My Crush Is A Porn Star!?' Also, I will be posting sneek peeks for a few stories coming in a couple of weeks that I think you'll like. :):) Hope you liked this chapter. :)

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