CHAPTER 26: What The Hell?!?

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We were finishing up getting prepared before we headed over to Larry's and Blake's house. 

I was putting the last weapon I armed myself with into the back of my pants when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, we're all ready to go downstairs." Morielle says. 

"Okay. I'll be down in a minute." I tell her as I sit for a moment on the bed thinking about a few things. 

"You alright?" She asks while walking over and sitting down beside me. 

"I shouldn't have left. I swore that this time around, I'd protect her. Who knows if she's even still alive." I begin to say while choking back on some tears. 

"Again, it isn't your fault. This would have happened rather you were here or not. And do you honestly think that Mary would want you to feel guilty?" Morielle asks. 

"No." I reply. "I went to see her earlier. That's where I went to before this all happened." 

"How'd it go?" She asks me. 

"Pretty good actually. I was finally able to close that chapter in my life and then asked her what I should do. Then I got the call." 

"She always did have perfect timing." She tells me causing me to laugh. 

"Yeah, she did." I reply through sniffles. 

"Thanks for always putting up with me and for bringing Variella into my life." I tell her. 

"Hey, Variella was all Mary but as far as always putting up with your stubborn ass, yeah, you never did make it easy." She winks and smiles at me. 

We both share a good laugh together before Kix comes walking in interrupting us. 

"Hey! We gonna go kick some ass while rescuing your woman or what?" He says. 

"We're coming." Morielle tells him. 

Everyone's already in their cars outside waiting for us as we start heading out there and taking off. 

While on our way, I began to focus even more than ever before on that I had only one goal. That was to get back Variella and get the hell out of there. 

After dropping most of the guys off in the very back to go through the underground tunnel, Torrence, Morielle, Kix and I had all gone around the sides and the back while joining a few of my other guys as some were sent to go around towards the back of the house and try to sneak in there while I was going to take the front.

I took in a deep breath before starting to run towards the house, shooting anybody that got in my way and who wasn't one of my guys. 

There were only four out tonight and as soon as I shot the last one, I busted open the front door with my gun still drawn and a few of Blake's and Larry's guys tried shooting at me but I was able to dive behind the couch before then starting to shoot back at them and then I heard Torrence and them come running in. 

"Boss, you okay?" Torrence asks. 

"I'm fine. Go find Variella while I go look for Blake." I tell them. 

"Alright." Torrence says and they all start to leave, heading upstairs. 

I begin cautiously taking strides around the house, looking around every corner and in every room. 

Next I began making my way down towards the long hallway as I heard my guys upstairs moving around and could hear guns going odd along with grunts from pain as I hear them also start fighting. 

While walking down this long dark hallway, I start to hear movement coming from a nearby room and once I open the door slowly and look around to make sure no one will jump out at me from anywhere while I check it out, I walk inside. 

Slowly I continue moving around the room, looking underneath the bed, behind the long window curtain that barely touches the floor. Then I hear moving around in the bathroom.

I get a little more nervous before I finally open the door and right away I see a bloodied up Variella trying to attack me with her fists.

"No! Don't fucking touch me!" She screams not realizing it's me.

However, I quickly push her up against the wall and cover her mouth so she can see that it's me.

"Shh. It's me." I tell her while looking into her eyes.

Quickly I begin to notice that the blood on both her clothes and the rest of her is more of others than of her own.

"Darius?" She cries.

"Yeah. It's me baby." I tell her while trying to wipe tears from her eyes.

"I didn't think you'd come for me. I'm so sorry." She cries into my chest.

"No Variella. I'm the one that's sorry. But babe, we need to get the fuck out of here." I tell her.

She nods her head in agreement and grabs some kitchen knife that I notice her picking up from the bathroom sink and am grateful she didn't try to stab me with it 

She stays close behind me as we slowly make our way out into the hallway with my gun drawn again and then out of nowhere, I hear a muffled screaming coming from behind me and as soon as I turn around, I am knocked out.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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