CHAPTER 7: Is That Fear?!?

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It's been about a week now and I have done everything at all costs to avoid Darius just like he has been doing with me.

Today, since I had several more hours before my shift started, I decided to ask Kix to take me to the bookstore cause I have been looking for a new journal and have had some things I wanted to write down about what all has been going on.

Kix is one of Darius' right hand guys, aside from Terrano and is also the second driver who drives me and Morielle around so that we have protection always along with a couple of other guys. I swear it felt as though I was a celebrity or something.

Thankfully they don't go by what Darius tells them every time such as them keeping a distance from me and when I need their help, I will ask them. Luckily they like me or and have pity for me that they are willing to risk feeling Darius' wrath for defying his orders.

I was looking at all the journals when I felt somebody bump into me.

"I'm so sorry. I lost my balance there." The guy said.

He was about 5'8, had brown eyes and dark curly hair.

"It's okay." I smiled.

"Although to be honest, I'm glad it was a beautiful girl." He winks.

"Thanks." I chuckle.

"So, looking for a journal?" He asks.

"Yep." I replied.

"That's cool. I like the old leather bound ones myself." He says.

"Those are nice. But I'm actually looking for....ah! There it is." I say as I grab the same journal notebook I saw they had online.

"That is a nice one." He smiles.

"Well, hope you find one you like." I tell him before walking past him.

"Wait." He calls out.

"Yeah?" I stop and turn towards him.

"Would you like some coffee? I mean there's the coffee shop built in this place right behind you." He mentions.

"Uh, sure." I smiled and we headed towards the counter to pay for my journal and then he was nice enough to buy me a coffee.

We sat at a small rounded table near us and started talking.

Which I must have lost track of the time as I became fearful while he was talking about himself as soon as I looked up for a brief moment and saw a pissed off Darius stomp inside and start looking around the place until he spotted me.

"What's the matter?" The guy asks me with concern.

"Nothing. I've got to go." I tell him as I quickly grab my stuff and begin walking towards the door, passing Darius.

"Don't you walk away from me!" He says as he comes stomping after me.

"As far as I'm concerned, I can do whatever the hell I please!" I snap at him before Kix opens the door and I get into the car.

I was waiting for him to close the door but nope, Darius had to get in next to me. Then Kix got in and began taking off while I looked out the window avoiding Darius.

"Now you're gonna listen to me. You are NEVER and I mean NEVER going to pull that shit again on me. You don't call the shots around here and you are in NO position to be making friends or whatever that was with anyone. You got that?!" He asks.

I was furious but wanted to try and keep my cool.

"Did you hear me?!" He says more firmly and he grabs my arm.

I quickly remove it from his grasp and snap my head at him with a scowl.

"I got it!" I snapped at him then looked back out the window.

After finally pulling up to the house, I quickly got out and slammed the door before thanking Kix and heading inside the house.

"Oh hell no!" I heard Darius behind me as he closed his door. Then as soon as we got into the house, he grabbed me and turned me around to face him. "Don't be slamming doors and throwing a tantrum like a little child." He says.

"Me? Acting like a child? Please. You should take a look in the mirror." I snap back at him.

"Excuse me?" He asks.

"Yeah, you heard me! How dare you try and control me. You're not my father or somebody who gives two shits about me. So please stop acting like you do! And another thing, don't you ever try and pull that shit with me again! That guy was about to possibly ask me out!" I yell at him.

"Pff. I doubt it. That guy was too nervous he probably has never been on a date before or even has had sex." He says.

"Shut the fuck up! I'd rather him never been on a date before or even being a virgin for that matter than him being a man whore killer like yourself that uses blood money to take sluts out before tossing them away like they're nothing!" I say with a hint of regret and guilt but more of an 'I'm proud to stand up for myself.'

He looks taken back a bit along with everyone else that seemed to have been listening in on us. He quickly changes his look to being angry but I really don't want to hear or watch him throw a five year old tantrum.

So I turn on my heels and start walking towards my room to get prepared for work.

Maybe I had just dug my grave with him but he has no idea in how annoying and childish he's acting more than me.

I feared that things were going to only get worse from here on out. So I decided that I will TRY and big key word there is TRY, to play by these pathetic and stupid high school rules until I am able to leave.

I finish getting ready by putting my hair up in a high ponytail with curls at the end, hoop earrings, purple eye makeup and a skirt, along with fishnets, heels and tank.

While walking out, I pass the table where everybody is sitting at playing poker and laughing as they drink and smoke.

"Kix? Can I have you please take me to work?" I asked, completely ignoring Darius' glare.

"Of course." He smiles. "I'm out guys." He says while throwing in his cards and grabbing his keys.

"You're not going out like that!" Darius says. "It's a gentleman's club. Not a dirty strip club." He remarks.

"You're right. Then again, I didn't think this was a whorehouse." I smirk.

He scowled at me and I just smiled in satisfaction.

Kix and I started to head outside and he opened the front passenger door for me and then got in on his side and we started to take off. Though while pulling out the driveway, we noticed standing in the doorway leaning against the door frame was Darius, with his arms crossed as he continued scowling at the both of us.

"Damn, you're gonna get me into trouble." He says.

"Don't worry, he won't be nearly as upset with you as he is with me." I remark.

"True. But about that, you need to be careful. I mean, as hilarious and entertaining it is to all of us to see a woman talk back to him and him not hurting them, that's awesome, but also dangerous." He says.

Right then I swallowed a big painful lump in my throat that might have been created because of fear?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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