CHAPTER 19: Still Need To Talk

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I had to excuse myself and try to calm myself down. So I started heading upstairs and as I entered the room, I walked out onto the balcony outside of the room that overlooked the backyard and tried slowing down my breathing but the tears, I couldn't stop.

How could he have done what he did and then now we have to leave because of him losing his temper with that Larry guy only to find out he works with Blake?!?

I was deep in my thoughts that I hadn't realized Darius had come in until I heard him behind me.

"Variella?" He says.

I turn around and make sure he see's the tears.

"How could you not remember that small detail that the guy you flipped out on was associated with Blake? Why didn't you think about that before you released the 'tough guy' in you?!" I snapped at him.

He holds the bridge of his nose as he closes his eyes and lets out a sigh before looking back up at me.

"I know I fucked up. I'm a fuck up. And you know what? You don't make it easy for me. I told you before in who I am. You knew that before we got together. I mean shit, I've been busting my ass off trying so hard to make you happy. To become what you want me to be but you know what? I can't be that. I just can't!" He explains as he fires back at me.

"I'm not asking you to change who you are. I'm just wanting you to be the REAL Darius that I see. The one you're so afraid to be. Besides, who chased who, huh?! You're the one that would get so jealous that you would...." I started to rant but he stopped me by walking towards me with balled up fists by his sides.

"Just stop it!" He frustratingly snaps at me as he pulls at his hair. "You women are so fucking complicated. Not to mention UNREALISTIC!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"It means that you expect this prince charming type of guy who will come and rescue you and give you a peaceful life. You want the look of a bad boy but you want them to be nice on the inside. Well guess what? THAT is unrealistic!" He snaps at me.

"What are you saying? You want to break up with me?" I yell back at him.

"I don't know." He says.

I know we are fighting and maybe he is just saying it out of anger but at the same time, I can't help but feel hurt.

"Fine, let me do you a favor then and just get the hell out!" I scream at him.

When I stomp my way towards the door and he stops me by grabbing my wrist.

"You can't leave!" He scowls at me.

"Fuck you Darius! I'm done with you!" I yell at him while I try wriggling out from his grasp.

"Stop it!" He says.

I continue trying until he starts backing me up hard against the wall and holds my wrists above my head while looking at me.

"Let me go asshole!" I yell at him.

We both then stop for a moment before we have lust take over and the next thing I know, he smashes his lips onto mine.

At first I don't kiss him back but then I start to give in and feel him start to force his fingers down my pants and starts rubbing my clit making me moan into his mouth.

We start practically ripping each others clothes off until I feel him start to walk me over towards the bed where he immediately  rolls on a condom and then thrusts deep and hard inside of me.

The thrusts become deeper and harder than the last as we kiss and both moan.

"I love you." He says between thrusts.

"I love you too." I reply between him thrusting inside of me.

"My god you feel so fucking good." He tells me.

"So do you. Please don't stop." I tell him.

He starts picking up the pace and looks into my eyes then places one of my nipples into his mouth hungrily before doing the same to the other one.

Then he stops and pulls out.

"Get on all fours." He demands and I have to say, I'm kind of liking this. It's almost like he's showing me how much he really is sorry and loves me. Not to mention how bad he wants me.

"Okay." I reply as I turn around and get on all fours while smacks my ass before thrusting himself inside of me again going deep and hard right away.

"Fuck!" I moan out loud.

He grabs my hair as he pounds away at me from behind causing nothing but pure pleasure.

"Shit baby, I'm gonna come." He moans out loud to me.

"Me too." I moan.

He thrusts deep inside me harder and harder a few more times before we both come at the same time.

I have to be honest, I know it's going to be hard for me to walk after this. That was AMAZING!!

We still need to talk but for now, we both need to rest.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

I know it was short of a racy scene but it was kind of spontaneous.

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