CHAPTER 17: Do As I say! Please!

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Morielle was forced to quit the club also not too long after me because he felt it was getting too dangerous for herself, plus not to mention the fact that I already have my men watching him and his crew so that if he tried anything, Darius would know all about it before it happened.

I did feel more safe than I think I ever have ever in my life. Although, it has been getting some use to for me to be okay with this whole not making my own money thing.

Today I was sitting with Morielle watching a movie and during the middle of the movie, she randomly paused it.

"I have to tell you something." She says.

"What?" I asked feeling a bit nervous.

"You can't tell anyone, especially Darius." She begins.

"Okay. Are you pregnant or something?" I joke.

"No. But I am going out with Torrence." She says.

"Really?! Oh my god you guys are perfect together! But why not tell Darius?" I asked.

"He's like a protective older brother. It wouldn't be pretty. I mean, we want to tell him but not yet." She tells me.

"Okay. I promise that I won't say anything but I am really happy for you both." I smile and hug her.

"Thanks." She smiles. "I just had to tell somebody."

"Well I'm happy to be the one you told." I tell her.

We both begin to laugh and then get up to get ready for when the guys come and pick us up to take us out to dinner.

The guys of course were a little late but whatever, cause I was way too hungry to care about starting anything. So we just got into the car and we headed on off to the restaurant.

Once we arrived and were seated, I could tell that Torrence and Morielle were both dying to kiss and I already knee they were holding each other's hands underneath the table as I had noticed it when I accidentally dropped my napkin onto the floor and bent over to pick it up.

It's a shame though that they have to keep it a secret from Darius. At least for now.

After the waiter brought us our food, we continued laughing, talking, drinking some wine and having a real great time.

Then as it got later, we decided to all call it a night when we headed outside towards the car and were stopped by some shady ass guys that I didn't get a good feeling from. Though it seemed that Darius knew them.

"Well look who we have here." The asshole said.

"Larry." I hear Darius greet him.

"It's been a long time." Larry tells Darius with a smirk.

"Not long enough." Darius says as I start to feel his grip on my hand start to get tighter.

"Ow." I say under my breath.

"Is this your new play toy?" The guy says as he looks me up and down.

Darius next tells me and Morielle to get into the car. I wanted to say no but I didn't want him to become more angry and snap at me, so I did as I was told.

We both got into the car while him and Torrence both stayed outside.

Now, because Darius has bullet proof glass on his car windows, all we could hear were muffles.

"I wonder what they're saying out there." I say more to myself.

"Whatever it is, I know it's not good. That guy is crazier than Blake to be honest." Morielle tells me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

Next I hear them getting louder and notice Larry throw a punch at Darius who ducked from it and then came back swinging with Torrence doing the same as they both were kicking the guys' asses.

Then finally, it ended and Darius along with Torrence hurried and got into the car then Torrence sped off back towards the house.

"FUCK!! FUCK! FUCK!" Darius begins punching the back of the front passenger seat.

"Calm down baby. Who was that?" I ask.

"I'll tell you later. But for now, as soon as we get home, we are packing our shit and leaving for a while." He tells me.

"What? But..." I started and he stopped me.

"Please, just do as I tell you to. I'll explain everything later." He says trying not to snap at me but it was too late as I had already felt that's what he just did.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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