CHAPTER 20: Why This Life?!?

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Alright, so I couldn't help but be turned on at the fact of her telling me off. However, at the same time, I know we still needed to talk about what's going on and what's going to happen also. Not to mention the fact that she has to admit that I did mean what I told her last night in that she already did know what I was like before she decided to date me and how I really have been trying to control my temper and everything just for her. 

This morning when we woke up, we got ready and I told her that I was going to explain everything downstairs after breakfast in front of everyone so that we all can figure things out. 

So after breakfast was over, we next headed into the living room and I started explaining. 

"Okay, look, I know that I fucked up the other night when I fought Larry. But the truth is that I really didn't realize what I had done until afterwards. Which is why we're here now. I had found out days before that Blake and him were real good friends and were working with each other. Apparently, Blake has been trying to get rid of me for years, along with Larry as we all know too. And it seems they have a plan to take me down." I start to explain. 

"What do you mean, a plan? How did you find out?" Kix asks. 

"Randy. The guy I use whenever we need to find someone. He even was able to record a conversation he overheard Larry and Blake were discussing while eating dinner together a couple weeks ago." I explain. 

"What the hell?" Torrence says. 

"I know. But now we're gonna have a big issue." I mention. 

"Like what? What could be worse than that?" Torrence asks. 

I look over at Variella who looks at me shocked and looks mad but like she's on the verge of tears as I give her a look of sympathy. 

"Blake and Variella here, they used to date." I started. 

"And let me guess, he wants her back?!" Morielle asks with her arms crossed over her chest and scowls at me. 

"Yeah. But not like you think. Him and Larry have gone up the ranks in running their trafficking business and supposedly have mentioned in wanting Variella." I finish trying to hide the disgust I feel saying that. 

The room falls silent and Variella looks shocked and then starts to fight back tears. 

"Listen, more than anything, he wants her. So we need to focus on protecting her the best we can." I tell them all. 

"You have got to be shitting me!" One of my guys says. 

"What?!" I glared at him. 

"First you don't tell us until now after we have up and left suddenly that we're being targeted by the two assholes we should have taken out a long time ago. And for what? HER?" He says with distaste in his voice and points at Variella. 

"Watch it." I warn him through clenched teeth while the rest of the guys, including Morielle, Torrence and Kix all give him the same look as me warning him to shut the fuck up. 

"This is bullshit and you know it! All for a fucking piece of ass!" He says and that's what made me snap. 

I go up to him before he has a chance to respond and punch the shit out of him, knocking him back and causing him to break the coffee table before then picking him up by the collar and punching him even harder over and over again while on top of him. 

"STOP IT!" I heard Morielle yell while Torrence and a few other guys pried me off of him. 

"I swear if you ever talk about her like that I will fucking slit your throat you motherfucker! Now get the fuck out of my house and I mean it, NEVER fucking come back again unless you have your shit together or else you're wife will know what it's like to be a widow, I swear to god!" I threaten him before turning and looking at Variella who looks scared right now. 

I start to leave out to the back to get some fresh air and cool off while everyone else takes care of the guy for me. 

Once the sunlight hit my face along with the nice breeze, I started to calm down. Fuck, why did I have to choose this way of life? Why did everything have to be this way? Why couldn't I have had a normal childhood and had normal parents?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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