CHAPTER 21: No Matter What....I Love you

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After everything that had just went down, I began feeling a huge wave of guilt for many different things. For one, about what all I said last night in the heat of the moment including the part about the fact he was right in that I did know what he was like when I decided to date him so I can't keep blaming him or using that as an excuse. 

Then after what all he had just said and did because of me and because of Blake. I can't help but feel like all of this is my fault because clearly it has to be since now we are all being targeted on account that Blake wants me back so he can sell me to some sick fuck to become a victim in his and Larry's trafficking business. 

This lifestyle is somewhat like the movies but mostly not. Which I never necessarily compared it to any of those but it really is a lot harder than I thought. 

Right in this moment however, I really feel bad about Darius and how he's feeling right now. So while all the guys start picking up the guy that made that comment to me and everything, I made my way out to the backyard and walked up to Darius. 

"Darius?" I say quietly. 

He turns around and I see tears begin falling down his face. 

"I'm so fucking sorry Variella. You were right last night. I'm a monster with a really bad temper and I have involved you in a lifestyle you don't deserve. I thought I could handle it and be okay with involving you in my life and everything that comes with it but, I just can't. It isn't right and it isn't fair neither." He tells me through sniffles. 

I walk up to him and hold his face so he's looking into my eyes. 

"Look at me." I tell him. "I love you. We love each other. I knew what I was getting myself into before I said yes to being your girl and I don't regret that one bit. I never will. And rather or not you and I are together, I unfortunately would have had to always deal with Blake and always look over my shoulder for the rest of my life to make sure he never came for me. I've always known deep down what kind of person he was. HE is a monster, not you. And there is nowhere else I'd rather be than here with all of you, but especially you." I assure him. 

He holds my face and leans his forehead forward touching mine and we close our eyes as we share an amazingly intimate moment together before kissing me passionately and long. 

After we finished talking, we headed back inside with the both of us feeling better and everyone seemed to be scattered all around the house doing their own thing almost as if nothing happened. But Morielle, Torrence and Kix all waited for us. 

"Are you good?" Morielle asks him. 

"Yeah." Darius nods. 

"Cool. Then we can figure out a plan to take these assholes down once and for all." Torrence says. "But you really need to tell us things that are going on." 

"I promise." Darius assures them. 

"Good. Well, let's just relax for now and then think up of something later." Kix mentions. "Oh and by the way, it's about time you told that asshole off. He's been such a pain in the ass since the day he joined." He says. 

"I know." Darius rolled his eyes. 

Everyone started going off to do their own thing after we agreed to all meet up tonight to come up with a plan. 

Darius looks at me for a moment and while we look into each other's eyes, I feel we are having a moment that I only heard about in books and seen in movies. I'm actually experiencing a moment where everything around us disappears. I know it sounds cliche and what not but, it does exist and it feels amazing. 

Then he gently tucks a hair behind my ear before placing his hand on the side of my face. 

"I want to take you somewhere that nobody else knows about but me." He tells me. 

"Okay." I nod. 

We both get ready and we head out the backyard and through the many trees that isn't the amount you would have in the woods but enough to have privacy for a couple miles worth. 

I'm not sure where we were going but I can say that either way, I do trust him. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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