CHAPTER 22: What Has This Woman Done To Me!?

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I need to really earn her trust and to make sure she knows without a doubt just how much I love her and care by showing her a place I have never shown anyone before. It's what I call my safe place and that I discovered when I was a little kid.

We walked a mile or so in through the trees until we came to a clearing where it had beautiful grass all around and trees that provided the utmost shade.

It was peaceful. Only I knew about it. And now, the biggest secret of all, I am about to show to someone I love.

"This is nice." I hear her say. "It seems very peaceful. Almost like what you'd see in a movie." She smiled.

"I brought you here because I know that so much is going on right now and that you're probably questioning me and you and...." I stop as soon as I hear her cut me off.

"Darius..." She starts but I stop her.

"Please, let me finish. This place is somewhere I found as a kid and used to go to whenever I heard my parents fighting or something bad happened at school and felt like I had nobody to turn to. This was my safe place. I could think here. I could dream. I could do whatever." I started to explain.

"I wanted you to see this so that whenever you doubt us or anything, I want you to remember this place. I want this to be our place. You're the only other person that knows about this. And I thought if I'd show you it, you'd see just how much I really do care about and love you." I tell him.

She looks like she is on the verge of tears and has a look on her face that I can't tell if rather or not it's good tears or bad.

Next I feel her grab hold of my face and leans in to kiss me before moving her head back a little and placing her forehead against mine.

"Thank you for showing me this place. I love you too." She says.

That just made me feel better and relieved. Because showing her this place meant a lot and the fact she understood that so quickly, it's amazing.

We stay there for a few hours and talk with each other until we begin heading on back towards the house where the guys are all hanging out waiting for us to return.

Torrence, Kix, Morielle and I along with a few other guys in my crew all sat at the dining room table and started trying to over a plan while Variella was sitting beside me.

I preferred her being on my lap, but she insisted on sitting in her own chair.

"Before we do anything, we're gonna have to find a way into Larry's place. Him and Blake have been staying together at that big mansion over on Shadow Hills. Their security is really good so we have to find a way to get in without being detected." I started.

"Pff." Torrence scoffs. "Yeah, that's not gonna happen. There is no way we can go undetected. I mean, we're all great at what we do but when it comes to going against Larry? He's already thought of all this."

"Then how do you suggest we do this?" I asked.

"I don't know but, there's no way we can just sneek in. He'll have the whole place surrounded by his men." Torrence mentions.

"I might know a way to get in." Variella interrupts.

"How?" I asked curious.

"There's a hidden tunnel or something underneath the mansion. I remember accidentally stumbling across it when I stayed the night over there once and couldn't remember where the room was at." She says.

"How do you know for sure that it wasn't just a cellar or nothing?" I asked.

"I opened the latch out of curiosity the next day when Blake and them had to go to 'work'. It's really long but, I noticed there were other doors built into the flooring on the first floor in certain places and I think they lead to certain rooms." She finishes.

We all look at each other in shock but we all are very impressed by her knowing that.

"Good job, baby." I smile and wink at her.

"Thanks." She smiles back at me.

"Great then, we just need to tell the other guys and get ourselves ready tomorrow." I said.

We all got up and left the room to head to our bedrooms and as soon as me and Variella headed into the bedroom, we made love to each other and as she fell asleep with her head on my chest, cuddling, I couldn't help but start to worry about what could happen to me. What could happen to her.

This has to be the last time I do something like this. In fact, after this is over, I'm gonna take enough money to leave and live a nice comfortable life. Just her and I. She deserves a better life and I'm sure I can open up a business somewhere.

What has this woman done to me!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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