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Fuck! Now he knows exactly where I work at. This is bad. He has both addresses.

I quickly grab my bag and jacket, say 'bye' to everyone before making my way outside in the back and tried starting the car. I tried starting it several times but it still wasn't turning on. So I tried calling the back of my towing membership card when I realized it had expired and I forgot I wasn't able to pay for that service anymore.

I placed my head on my hands that were holding the steering wheel and tried to calm myself down a little before thinking of what to do.

I couldn't afford a tow so I decided to call for an Uber or someone to come pick me up when I am startled by a knocking sound on my window.

I look and see it's Darius DeLucca. Seriously?!

I think about it at first if rather or not I want to or should roll down my window but seems like my hand had a mind of it's own because it rolled it down for me already.

"Need some help?" He asks.

"No thanks. I'm fine." I assure him.

"Well if it's fine then how come it wasn't starting?" He asks.

"I called for a tow truck. They'll be here in half an hour." I lie to him.

"Suuuuree..." He says sounding unconvinced.

"Don't you have someplace to be? Someone to torture or kill?!" I snapped at him annoyed and irritated by his presence. However, I immediately regretted what I just said as all I could see was an infuriated Darius, to say the least.

"You know what?! Fine! Sorry for trying to help your ass out." He snaps back at me while I knew I deserved that. At least he didn't shoot me or anything.

I rolled up my window after he walked towards his car a few spots down from mine and his driver opened the back passenger door then a moment later, took off.

I sat back in my chair letting out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. I need to learn to shut my mouth when it comes to people like him in particular.


It has now been several days since the last time I saw Darius and to be honest, at first, deep down inside I had wished I'd see him again but then quickly reminded myself what he does for a living and how it's better that I stay away from him.

Today I had a day off and decided to hang around at the apartment and order some take out while binge-watching between Hulu and Netflix.

It was a nice and relaxing day when I realized that I needed to also do some laundry. So I grabbed my detergent, softener and dryer sheets along with my hamper and began heading out to the laundry room downstairs.

When I showed up, a sixteen year old guy who I have known ever since I moved into my apartment a few years ago, greeted me with a 'what's up' nod.

He's got a buzzed head and reminds me of a Jared Leto.

"How are you doing tonight?" He asks me.

"Good, you?" I asked him.

"Good thanks." I reply.

"How's work going?" He smiles at me.

"It's good. I'm still not gonna get you in though." I smile back at him.

"Aww, damn." He says as he snaps his fingers while pretending he was disappointed.

After getting the washers going, I went to take a seat at one of the small round tables as I pulled out my phone and started playing some music since nobody was in here and I could dance if I wanted to even.

The Love of a Mafia BossWhere stories live. Discover now