CHAPTER 15: Become More Understanding

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It's been already almost two weeks since I've started dating Darius and things have been going really good. He seems to be getting better at controlling his temper more.

That night a couple weeks ago when he lost his cool on our first date, I couldn't help but get scared because that's what Blake used to be like.

Tonight, I was asked to cover one of the other cocktail waitresses shift so I had to do a double shift practically which was okay since I needed the money.

Darius still doesn't like that I want to still work and not have him take care of me. I mean, I know it makes him feel better and I do let him for the most part, pay for what he wants to for me but otherwise, I actually enjoy making my own money and paying for things.

Tonight was real busy at the gentleman's club but that just meant the tips were great. While I was on break, I had gotten a text from Darius saying how much he missed me and that he was gonna stop by a little before my shift ended and then take us home.

This guy really does know how to make me smile and feel all giddy inside. So I message him back and once my break is over, I head back to making my rounds.

Then while dropping an order off at the bar, I heard a voice that made me feel sick and scared.

"Well look who I've found." He says.

I try and remember that I'm at work and to not make a scene of any kind. Besides, Darius will be here soon, so I treat him like any other customer.

"Hi Blake." I tell him.

"I didn't know that allowed people your size to work here. Must have sucked the boss' dick. You were always good at that." He smirks as he takes a drink from his glass of brandy.

"Whatever Blake." I roll my eyes.

Luckily the bartender sets the drinks on my tray and as I pick it up and start to walk off, I feel him grab my arm causing me to drop the tray causing the glasses to break all over the floor.

"Let go of me." I tell him as I try breaking free from his grasp.

"You're sleeping with that Darius guy aren't you?! Aren't you you fucking slut?!" He says right before slapping me hard across the face.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" I hear the bartender yell and hop over the counter but before the bartender could get a hold of him, I noticed Darius behind Blake, turn him around to face him and threw a hard punch at Blake who then of course threw a punch at him causing them to break out into a brawl.

It didn't last too long after I saw the manager and several of her new security guards come and break it up. Darius then grabbed my hand and we started to leave.

Once we got into the car and headed home, throughout the entire ride, he just white knuckled the steering wheel while keeping silent.

I almost felt like I was in trouble. I hope he doesn't think that I asked him to go or anything.

When we pulled up, he still had the pissed off look and I noticed his knuckles were all bruised and bloodied a little bit. I wanted to suggest to clean them up but couldn't.

Throughout the entire time from when we got out of the car, walked inside the house and him getting a drink, we said nothing to each other.

"Look, I..." I started but he cut me off.

"You're quitting that job and staying here." He says while looking down at his glass.

"What? I'm not doing that." I tell him.

Here we go again.

"Yes you are." He says as he glares at me before taking a drink and setting down his glass.

"No, I'm not. We talked about this." I try and remind him but he doesn't want to hear any of it.

"You're gonna do as I tell you, Variella. You don't understand what Blake is capable of." He says.

"Oh I don't? Remember the first night you and I met and you found out what I was doing there?" I asked glaring back at him.

"Oh big deal. He brought you to a fucking orgy. He does far worse things than that." He says. "But just like before though, you think of this all as some sort of a game." He tells me.

"I'm not doing this right now with you. You can be so fucking exhausting." I say under my breath while leaving and heading upstairs.

The right side of my face really hurts from where Blake slapped me at and I start to try and get ready for bed when I hear the door shut roughly.

"Now let me explain to you the severity of why I care so much." He says in an assertive tone but yet, calming at the same time. "This asshole is partners with one of the biggest gang leaders out there that also runs a trafficking business." He tells me. "But that's not all." He says as he walks towards the bed and lets out a breath before continuing.

"A few years ago, him and I had a falling out that resulted in me almost getting killed. He tried to frame me for something he stole. Since then we have been enemies. You have to understand Variella, I am protective because I know what all can happen just with you being with me. Then to have to worry about him and something happening to you I just, I won't be able to live with myself. I lost someone years ago that I loved. Then Blake and that asshole kidnapped her and sold her to someone. I spent almost a year looking for her and finally found her. But she was dead. She had been raped and beaten." He confesses through frustration with his face in his hands.

So I sit down next to him and take his hand in mine as I enlace our fingers. He looks at me.

"I'm sorry. I'll try and be more understanding. I guess since you're trying to control your anger more, I could at least do this." I tell him.

He looks me in the eyes and holds the side of my face before leaning in and giving me a kiss.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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