CHAPTER 11: Please Let This Work

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It has been a week now since I last seen and talked with Darius in my bedroom that night.

I don't know why but I was missing him. Kix told me he was on a trip for business with his other right hand guy that he can trust, Terrano and would be back soon. However, before he came back, I had thought I would get opinions from Morielle and Kix. Although Morielle said there were some things she didn't want to because she felt it was better to hear it from him.

So then I sat with Kix watching TV before I asked him anything.

"Kix?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"You've known Darius a long time, right?" I ask him.

"Of course." He says before shoveling popcorn in his mouth.

"What can you tell me about him?" I ask and I feel as though I asked him something that seemed to have been not so much a shock but it seemed to have been serious since he shut off the TV and set down his popcorn.

"Well, for starters, something you need to know about him is that he isn't really an asshole. I mean, it's hard to see that but, only a few see that side of him anyways. He'll kill me for telling you all of this but, I can tell you both like each other and to be honest, I think you're both great for each other even. Though if you really want to try and get to know him, which I think you should, there's some things you need to know." He begins.

"Like what?" I ask.

"For one thing, he didn't necessarily choose this life. It was kind of chosen for him. He grew up as the son of one of the most fearful   boss' of the mafia. He tried hard to escape from the name and the lifestyle but, his father always found a way to pull him back in. And as crazy as it sounds, he actually did it for his mom." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask curious and yet confused.

"His father knew how much Darius loved his mother and always was seeking approval from his father. So his father threatened him. He promised Darius that he would stop cheating and hitting his mother if he would work for him. So he did. Because Darius knew he couldn't fight his father. Well, although later on, Darius did learn how to fight really good. But one day, he finds out that his mother was pregnant and when she was almost two months along, he saw his father beat on her until she was dead. He literally beat her to death and killed the baby." Kix says with tears.

"Oh my god." I say under my breath.

"That was the first night Darius killed anyone. He shot his father after his dad chased him out of the room and into his dad's office and grabbed the gun in the drawer and didn't hesitate to pull the trigger." He finishes.

"Wow." I say. "So, after he did that, the authorities didn't take him away?" I ask.

"Nope." He says popping the 'p'. "His father owned a lot of people including the big guys. Another reason he stayed, was because he has been trying to stop trafficking. Trying to make deals with guys that run that kind of shit and then hand evidence over to the FBI and CIA. The only people he hurts, are criminals that have done far worse than him. Some of them have been women. That's the only time he has ever hurt a woman." He tells me.

"Oh." I say feeling horrible.

"Now, granted he has been a bit of a man whore throughout the years but has never forced anyone. And I think what's really hard for him is you remind him of his girlfriend from years ago."

"What do you mean?"

"One night we were doing a job and something went wrong as things do sometimes and she was raped and killed by a gang. Right in front of his eyes. Which is why it's hard for him to get close to anybody, even if he wants to." He says the last part looking at me.

"I see. I feel so bad from what all I said to him the night before he left. The night we had that fight, I could hear the genuine and sincerity in his tone of voice when he apologized. I should have told him that night or at least the next day before he left on his trip that I was sorry. He was right, there is a reason nobody wants me."

"I know somebody that does." He smiles at me as I return the smile.

"Well, he comes back tomorrow so, I guess I can try and think of something to try and make him talk to me and allow me to apologize."

"Well, there might be one way. Tomorrow is his birthday. He hardly likes to celebrate it but if we do a surprise party, he will have no choice BUT to have fun and also let loose enough for you to be able to talk to him." He winks at me.

"Okay." I smile. "Let's plan one."

"Alright. How about I let everyone know and you and Morielle go ahead and get the decor, food and everything you need, then we'll throw one."

"Cool." I smile.

We both get up and begin to do what we each were going to and I ran upstairs, well actually, I don't run, but I quickly got up the stairs and caught my breath a little before waking her up.

She was screaming with excitement and had told me that she has been dying to throw a party for the longest time and since we had a pool in the back along with a grill area and it was gonna be hotter than satan's balls this weekend, we decided to make it a pool party and take the weekend off from work.

I hope he likes all of this and Kix was right. Because if he's upset about this then I give up.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

That's right guys, I thought of giving you two chapters from this story today. :):) Enjoy! :):):)

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