CHAPTER 4: Now I Know

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Today was real busy and after finding her purse underneath my pillow where I had forgotten all about it until I rolled over in the morning and noticed it.

I'm not sure in why I even thought about returning it. In fact, I was going to have one of my guys go and do it but then after seeing what her address was on her license, I thought since it was along the way for me, I would drop it off.

In the end, I'm glad that I did. Although when I saw her this time, something was different. I personally began to feel something I had never felt before. It was a good feeling, nothing bad but at the same time it scared the hell out of me.

Before I returned her purse and before pulling up in front of her apartments, I started looking through her phone. Now the reason I do this is because I am cautious and paranoid as one is when you're in the line of work that I am in and I needed to make sure that she wasn't pretending to be afraid just to trick me into eventually getting my ass killed cause she's a diversion.

When I looked through her phone I could tell that she couldn't be with all these pictures of her and who I'm assuming is her sister or best friend. A smile creeps up on my face as I see she is just a normal girl.

Then we had pulled up and after going inside and pretending to use the restroom, I still had her phone in my pocket and don't know why I did it but I just put my number in her phone. Then went out and before saying anything, quietly placed it back into her purse on the counter while her back was turned to me.

I knew she was trying to reach for a knife but glad she hadn't. Then when my right hand guy, Terrano, came busting through the place like it's his, just to remind me about the meeting, I quickly snapped back into reality and left.

However, even on our way to the meeting, I wanted to hear her sweet voice again. But when I tried to call, I soon realized after not answering and trying a second time, that I had been blocked. I just got pissed off. NOBODY blocks me. NOBODY!

However, if that's how she wants to be then fine, fuck her then. I'm not gonna show a bit of interest then. She's nothing but another bitch anyways and just reminded me too in why I don't do relationships.

The moment we pulled up in front of the place we were having a meeting, I started feeling pumped with anger and irritation at the fact still she didn't answer. But I should thank her cause I needed to be this pumped up for this meeting.

After the meeting and a few more errands, I decided to check out my friends restaurant and grab a bite to eat. Then once I was finished I looked down at my phone and I saw a few texts from a buddy of mine who is gonna get married soon, which I tried talking him out of it but, he wants to still marry the slut who cheats on him and uses him all the time.

From the few pictures he has sent me too, I could tell he was having a good time but I honestly was real tired and the last thing I wanted was dirty girls grinding all over me. Besides, I know the owner to that club, I can go whenever. So I apologize and let him know I'll take him out later on cause I was too tired right now.

Then the moment I got home and plopped onto my bed face down while, I passed out.

One week later

Today was the day I needed to collect the payments from all the people who pay me 'rent' we will say for me helping their businesses.

It was an all day job but I had nothing else to do today so I gave my usual guy I send to do it and told him I was gonna go instead.

It was good seeing that people were doing well. I hated to see good people struggle in trying to do what they love and what makes them happy without having the government screwing them over.

By night time, I decided there was one last place for me to go to and I wanted to get a drink anyways. So I hit up the strip club.

Once I walked in, I am always recognized and I say 'hi' to everybody as I make my way towards the bar where the owner, Bonnie, is at.

"Hey!" I greet her.

"Hey you! I wasn't expecting you." She says smiling.

This woman is like an older sister to me and she's bad ass also.

"Yeah I know. I decided to come and collect myself." I tell her.

"Well, come on, let's go to the office." She says and I follow after her.

After we sit down, she pours me a glass of Jack Daniels and hands me the glass before cheering me then we both shoot back the amount in there.

"I'd ask you how you're doing but from the looks of it, I can tell business is great." I chuckle.

"Yeah." She laughs too.

"Good." I reply as she unlocks the combination safe and then there's a knock at the door.

"Come in." She says as she digs through envelopes and documents for the money.
The moment that door opened up, I saw her walk in......Variella.

"I finished cleaning up and counting my...." She says until she stops and looks at me wide-eyed.

"Oh good." Bonnie says. "I'll take the receipt and then you can head home sweetie." She says.

Neither me and Variella have stopped looking at each other with her still scared as hell and me trying to hide the amusement I have right now.

"Vare!" Bonnie says to get her attention and snaps Variella out of it.

"Uh, sorry. Here." She says before handing over the receipt.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow." Bonnie tells her.

"Okay. Goodnight." Variella says without looking at me again.

"Oh and Vare? This is Mr. DeLucca. Mr. DeLucca, this is one of my best waitresses here." She introduces us.

"Nice to meet you Mr. DeLucca." Variella says as she holds out her hand to me.

To which I shake hers while gently circling my thumb around the top of her hand. I knew it affected her.

"Nice to meet you." I smirked at her.

She then jerked her hand from mine and nervously tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and said 'goodnight' again then turned around and left.

Well, at least now I know where she works.

Next Chapter will be posted soon! :)

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