CHAPTER 9: What Have I Done THIS Time?!?

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I appreciated everything that Kix did last night in defending me but I couldn't believe still he did that for me. Nobody has ever really fought for me before.

After I had finished eating the breakfast he made me, I walked into the bathroom to take a look at my eye and it wasn't too bad but still purplish blue.

I need to learn how to fight. Maybe I can have Kix teach me or something. However, I quickly get interrupted with my thoughts as I hear a knock at the door. Assuming it's Morielle just waking up or Kix, I answer it without thinking twice.

I was surprised to see it was Darius. I quickly try and hide my eye but it's too late, he has already seen it and he looks pissed off.

"Listen, if this is about last night and how I talked to you, I'm sorry. I know need to learn to keep my mouth shut." I tell him.

I had thought after saying that that he would walk away because that's why he was here.

"I deserved it." He says.

I am shocked. Did I just hear him correctly? Did he just apologize to me?

"Still." Was all I could say.

"What happened to your eye?" He asks.

"Nothing. I mean I'm sure Kix already told you." I tell him.

"Yeah but why didn't you tell the manager?" He asks.

"Because I have worked as a waitress at a restaurant before moving here and they took the customers word over mine because the owner thought I should be lucky for someone who looked like me to get that attention. Let alone, the fact those customers were his friends." Oh god why did I just tell him all of that?!?

"Well don't worry, it won't happen again." He says and before I could ask him what he meant he was already walking towards his bedroom.

I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.

Later on at night, after a couple hours into my shift, after talking with the manager and her apologizing to me for what happened, the rest of the time things seemed to be pretty laid back. Although she had nothing to be sorry about.

Then while walking over towards a table and serving some drinks, I looked up and noticed Darius was at the bar laughing with the bartender with a drink in his hand. Of course he was here and I bet I now knew what he meant by 'taking care of it.'

I walk up to the bar and have him turn to look at me.

"Why did you say anything?" I asked him.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"Don't play stupid with me. Why did you say anything? Now the manager and I'm sure everybody else thinks I'm a whining weak little bitch that can't defend herself or anything." I mention.

"Oh that." He pretends to now remember as to what I meant.

"Yes, THAT." I scowl.

"Calm down girl. A 'thank you' would be much better." He says with a smirk before taking a drink from his glass.

"I thought you didn't care?" I ask.

"Don't flatter yourself. I did it for the sake of the business." He says before finishing his drink and moving closer to my face.

"Yeah sure." I rolled my eyes. "You're such an asshole." I say under my breath and I guess he heard it because he grabbed my arm and pulled me even closer to him.

He looked like he was about to say something but something or should I say, someone caught his attention.

"If you'll excuse me, I've got something to do." He says while he looks over my shoulder behind me.

When I turn and see him walk away then see him kiss one of the best dancers on the cheek before she takes his hand and guides him back to a private room, I felt myself start to become upset. Some would probably call it jealousy but it couldn't be, right? There's no need to be jealous.

I continue on with my shift and forget everything that had just happened. Then at the end of my shift, I go into the restroom to make sure that my makeup hadn't ran and it hasn't, at least not enough to where my bruise showed.

Once I finished, I came walking out and since I was off work and Morielle had gotten off early, we decided to go out.

I normally am not a drinker and don't like to 'party party', I figured, it might be fun. So her and I got a ride from Kix.

The moment we walked in, Morielle had taken my hand and dragged me up towards the bar where she ordered us a couple of shots and then an actual drink before then taking me out onto the dance floor with her.

We danced for a while nonstop because the DJ was playing awesome songs. Then some guy asked Morielle to dance and she started grinding on him. Then I soon after felt two arms snake around my waist.

I turn around and notice this tall dark and handsome kind of a man, looking into my eyes, grinding on me.

We started dancing together and I felt like I was having the best time of my life.

I was feeling a little thirsty and we walked up to the bar and he bought me a drink. Then after taking a few sips, we started talking a little bit to get to know each other.

Then the DJ had put on one of my favorite songs so we headed back out onto the floor and started dancing together. I put my arms over his shoulders and he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

After a few moments of dancing, we looked at each other for a moment before leaning in closer towards me, but before our lips touched, I felt his hands being ripped off of me so fast that when I looked to see what was happening, I noticed Darius was beating him.

"Darius! Let him go!" I yelled out over the music and then tried pulling him off of the poor guy since he didn't hear me saying anything.

When he stops and turns to look at me, his hair is a little out of place and he's a little sweaty, not to mention furious. Then I feel him grab my hand tightly and start pulling me out, causing me a few times to almost trip and fall.

"Let me go!" I try yelling at him while trying to wriggle my hand free.

"Get in the car right now!" He says as he opens the front passenger door to his car.

"No." I tell him with my arms crossed.

"Variella, get in the fucking car now and don't make me tell you again!" He snaps at me.

A part of me doesn't want to but the other part of me reminds me that I don't want to piss him off. So I get in the car and he once he jumps into the drivers side, he starts taking off without putting on a seat belt.

I can't wait to see what I have done wrong this time!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
I thought I would give you all another chapter today. ;)

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