CHAPTER 24: Worst Nightmare

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I can't believe she just said all of that. I never thought she would ever use my ex in that way.

Then again I said things too that I'm not too proud of neither.

What the hell am I doing now? I'm just driving pissed off and meanwhile, I feel guilty and terrible for what just happened and for me just leaving instead of staying behind for her and I to talk things out.

Although with the way that I feel right now, I can't even look at her.

So I start to go to a place that I haven't been to in a while but that I know I need to. In order for me to have closure for good on my past and to do right with my future and Variella, I need to do this.

I pulled up and there were very few people here it seemed. Which was good. I needed the peace and quiet.

I walked up to the headstone that read 'Mary Featherson'. I kneel down and start to tear up as I remember the last time I saw her body after she was found. The coroner had to use her teeth to identify it was her.

"Hey Mare. I haven't been here in a while and need to tell you something. I'm scared right now. I'm so fucking scared that I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm fucking up no matter how hard I try and make things better. Worst of all, I keep fucking up with Variella. In the beginning, it was really hard for me to even let another person inside without thinking about you because she gave me the same feelings as you did. Is that wrong? She makes me laugh the way you do, makes me smile, makes me happy in general but most of all, makes me want to be a better man. She see's past all the bad stuff with me, just like you did."

I stop myself for a moment to wipe my tears.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you. I should have tried harder to get you back. You should be alive right now, not me. You were a great person always. Not me." I begin crying even more.

"I'm in love with Variella. I just fucked up with her and I need your advice on what to do. I miss you so fucking much." I start to cry even more and harder than before.

I start to hear my phone go off and when I look down at the number it says it's 'unknown'. Those kind of numbers I never answer. So I ignore it and put the phone back in my pocket before continuing.

"I know I need to change my ways but it's really hard. I've even forgave my father for ever starting me in all of this because you told me to. Now though..." I was interrupted by my phone going off again.

I was frustrated this time as I saw it was from an 'Unknown' number again. This time whoever it was was going to get it.

"What?!" I answered pissed off.

"You really should learn to answer quicker." I heard Blake's voice tell me.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"I've got something of yours that I think you might want back." He says and then the next voice I hear is a scared shaken up Variella.

"D-Darius?" She says.

"Variella? Baby are you okay?" I ask.

"Aww isn't that sweet. You two are in love. It's too bad that you guys couldn't work things out. You both made such a cute couple." He starts to taunt.

"I swear to god if you..." I started to threaten him until he stopped.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Now that's no way to talk to the man who holds the very thing that's most valuable to him. I would hate to see your new girlfriend here get the same treatment as your little Mary. Boy did she put up a fight." He says with an evil chuckle.

"I swear to you that I will kill you and I will do it slowly." I promise him.

"We'll see. First, let's see what all you are willing to do for this one and if you can get to her on time." He says.

"What do I have to do?" I asked.

"I'll message you an address. Meet me there tomorrow night and we'll settle the score between you and me once and for all." He says.

"And what does Larry say?" I asked.

"Aww, you didn't here? He had an accident. The poor fucker just couldn't CUT it." He says with a lot of emphasis on the word 'cut'.

"You're a sick fuck." I tell him.

"Yes I am. Now that you know that, I'm sure you won't be wasting any time in getting your guys together to meet me and my crew." He says.

"We'll be there." I tell him.

"Good boy. Now, be sure to tell your people, no hard feelings." He says before he hangs up.

I immediately try and call Morielle and she doesn't answer so I try and call Torrence who eventually answers as soon as I get into the car and began heading back to the house as fast as I could, running through all the red lights.

When I finally arrived at the house and ran inside, I noticed things were broken and scattered all over the place, most of my guys were icing their wounds as Morielle explained to me about what happened with the ambush.

I then explained everything in what we needed to do tomorrow night and everyone got on board and began preparing before we then eventually went to bed.

Although I couldn't sleep in the bed alone knowing she was taken.

Tonight I'd sleep alone but tomorrow night, she'll be right by my side.

I ended up sleeping in one of the extra spare bedrooms after Morielle had begun sweeping up the mirror pieces shattered all over the bathroom floor along with the blood from Variella.

I knew I'd have nightmares tonight of my own but tomorrow, I will be Blake's worst fucking nightmare.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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