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It's been almost two years since I last saw Darius. The last time we touched and the last time I was truly happy.

There's not a night that goes by when I don't think about him. I see him everywhere I go and am reminded constantly about him in almost every guy I look at that passes me by on the street.

I needed to leave. I had started going to therapy as people recommended and one of the things I was told to do was to leave on a vacation somewhere I have always wanted to go to. Somewhere I could heal and try to find myself again.

I knew it would be hard and yet at the same time, I also knew I had to try.

So I decided to pack up my things and leave the country. However, with the job I got many months after everything, I haven't been able to save up enough to just leave.

After Morielle, Torrence and Kix had gotten out a few months ago, they all got jobs at places fairly quickly, in which I was happy about.

Torrence became a construction worker while Kix became a full-time drag queen and the Manager at a Drag Queen bar. Morielle ended up becoming a hairstylist since she was great at it.

I kept putting the 'Me Time' vacation on hold because I wasn't sure I could seriously afford it.

Then a couple days ago, Morielle, Kix and Torrence all handed me a big manila envelope that apparently had the only amount of money Darius was able to put away before the whole ordeal. It was in a place nobody knew where it was except for him, Morielle, Kix and Torrence.

There was over eight million dollars inside all bundled up in rubber bands. It was untraceable Morielle told me.

At first I felt wrong taking it but then they all had told me they'd slap me if I refused. So eventually I accepted it and when telling them we could split it, they gave me that 'look' again.

So right away I called in for vacation, packed a few things and got on a flight the next day.

I chose to go to England here because I love victorian things and it has always been my number one place to go.

It's beautiful and everything I expected it to be like even more. Today I had decided to go to one of their museums and then was picking things to bring back as souvenirs for everyone before heading back to my hotel.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. So I decided to stay in for the rest of the night and just order room service.

I took a shower and then got in my night gown before room service had come and while searching for something to watch as I towel dried my hair, I heard a knock on the door.

So I first looked out the peep hole and noticed it was the room service man and I opened up the door after putting my robe on and he came walking inside, pushing the table.

"Where would you like this?" He asked in his British accent.

"Just right there please. Thank you." I tell him.

He sits it in the middle of the room and after tipping him and then thanking me, he leaves.

I heard another knock at the door again a moment later and assuming he forgot to give me something, I opened it right up and just nearly fainted.

Were my eyes deceiving me? Have I become delusional? This couldn't be real. It's impossible. I thought to myself. Then tears fell down my eyes the moment he spoke making me realize this wasn't a dream.

"Hello beautiful." Darius smiles at me while leaning against the wall near the door with his hands in his pocket.

"Darius? Is it really you?" I asked still in disbelief.

"Yes baby. In the flesh." He winks and smiles at me.

I start to cry even more but this time they are happy tears as I leap forward and wrap my arms around him as he does with me while smashing his lips onto mine.

We start to make out and then end up having some amazing and long make up sex ever.

I didn't even care why he was gone all this time or any of that because I knew he was part of that Witness Protection Program thing. However, that reminded me.

"Darius?" I asked as I laid in his arms with my head on his chest.

"Yes love?" He asks.

"How did you know I was here? Also, can you get into trouble for this?" I asked.

"I asked Morielle and them where you were and as far as if I will get into trouble, the answer is no. Right after I testified, I got a new identity. Changed my name, got a job, that's legal of course and then I found you. Which, by the way, for future, the name isn't Darius. It's Ryan Chambers." He smiles at me.

"Really?" I looked at him weird.

"Shut up." He says and kisses me.

"I love you, Ryan Chambers." I tease him.

"And I love you, future Mrs. Chambers." He smiles again before we share a passionate long kiss.

The End....for reals!! :);)

Sorry I teased ya but wanted to see if you wanted an Epilogue or to do something different. Love you all and hope you enjoyed this story as well as the ending too! :):) Love you all!! More stories of course to come.

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