CHAPTER 29: The Last Time

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This asshole carrying me up the stairs may be strong enough to carry me but meanwhile, I'm trying to think of a way to prevent him or any one of Blake's men trying to do anything to me. Suddenly I realize that I have to save my energy also if I had planned to try something once inside the place he was going to take me to.

He opens the door to some nice bedroom that's decently decorated and as soon as he kicks the door closed with his foot, he throws me onto the bed causing me to bounce up off of it a little bit and as I face him and prop myself onto my elbows, I start looking around for something to hit him over the head with or something.

I quickly try to reach over for the inn table's lamp while he unbuckles his pants and I suddenly feel my hand being squeezed tightly causing me to yelp in pain.

Before climbing on top of me, pinning me down and I struggle and try to kick him in between his legs but his weight is too heavy as he pins my legs down with his and has both my arms pinned above my head. .

"You like it rough huh?" Well that's good. Because so do me and all the other guys." He grins and tries to kiss me and I turn my head away but he grabs my face and squeezes tightly, forcing me to look at him.

"Not so fast. Now you better play nicely before I get the other guys to come in and join the fun all at once. Unless you like that?" He suggestively asks.

"Fuck you!" I tell him.

"Oh don't worry, we will." He tells me.

I try screaming loudly for help and the next thing I feel is a hard slap on my face as he still has my wrists pinned above my head with one hand while the other is trying to undo his buckle and zipper.

Finally he gets close enough and I bite down onto his mouth really hard causing him to yell out in pain and hold his mouth while I push him off finally and get the chance to kick him between his legs and get up while spitting out blood.

The door then bursts open and in walks a few more of Blake's men who I right away go to grab the lamp and yank it out of the socket then forcefully throw it at one of the guys (which isn't as easy when your hands are still tied together), luckily though, the impact caused a few pieces to shatter and had gotten into his eye while the other guys seemed to still come at me and grab me real quick then throw me onto the bed as one holds my hands down above my head again, then the other two hold apart my legs then I see Blake start to climb on top of me while starting to unbuckle his belt and I thought this was it.

Then suddenly the room fell silent as I next heard guns going off and the men holding me down along with the one on top of me had all been shot in the head.

Blake collapses on top of me and I start to scream while crying as his blood got all over me. Then I notice his body starting to roll off and there to pull me up by my tied wrists, was Darius. He held me so close.

"Are you alright baby?" He asks as he gives me a kiss and holds the back of my head.

"Yes." I nod my head.

He then cuts off the rope and we start to run out of the room with a few more gunshots going off downstairs and somehow, not sure how, but somehow, most of us were able to leave.

The moment we got outside though we were forced to come to a complete stop the moment we saw a lot of guns drawn and pointed at us from all these policemen.

They were all yelling at us to get down and to drop our weapons. Which we did.

All I could hear from Darius was him telling me in how sorry he was for everything as they handcuffed us all after they held us to the ground like WE were the damn criminals.

We were in questioning for hours and it even ended up lasting for a couple of days to get all of our statements.

For the most part, we all were let off. Since it was all in self defense mostly. However, Darius and his crew needed to pay for being involved in that kind of business anyways and for things they did in the past.

Though they all be let out early due to good behavior. Except me, I wasn't charged. Darius helped me and testified that I had nothing to do with any of it. That I was just a victim.

I was told by one of the detectives that he took a deal. It was a deal that broke my heart and his. A deal that I had to forever live with. A deal that made him and I not be able to be together or hear from each other ever again.

He told them he would testify against all the big leaders and that in exchange, he would have to go under a different identity and be in the Witness Protection Program.

I knew why he did it but it still hurt. My heart died the day I said goodbye. We told each other we loved one another always and forever, for the last time.

The End!

There will be a Bonus Chapter posted in the next few minutes. :);)

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