CHAPTER 8: What Am I Doing?!

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She has some damn nerve talking to me like that. She's lucky she's Morielle's friend otherwise she'd be getting a rude awakening.

How DARE she disrespect me in MY house that I was nice enough to allow her to stay in.

Then to go dressing like she did? What the fuck?! She really pisses me off now to where I can't even focus on the game at hand. So I take back the last of my drink and grab my keys to head over towards one of my girls I normally sleep with more often then the one I brought here the other night.

I couldn't for some reason stop thinking about Variella and everything she said. Although I don't appreciate the attitude, she's right. I am an asshole and I what do I care if she goes out with a bitch ass punk?! A part of me was serious when I meant that she shouldn't because we can't allow someone to possibly ruin anything and try to bring any unnecessary attention to us not knowing who they know.

Then again, I'll admit that I did feel a little bit jealous. But I can't. I can't feel that way about her. If I get attached, people get hurt. I can't be responsible again for that.

Finally I make it to the girl's house and sit there in my car for a bit before going inside. Wait, why the fuck am I hesitating?! So I get out and make my way inside and she greets me the way I like her to by jumping into my arms while smashing her lips onto mine.

While kissing her, I tried real hard not to think of Variella but it was difficult. Then as soon as I carried the girl over towards the couch and lifted my head up to look at her, I saw Variella's face. Then that's when I stood up and got off of her.

"What's the matter?" She asks.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this." I tell her.

"Why?" She asks.

"I just can't." I tell her.

Fuck! Now she's got me apologizing which is something I NEVER do.

The moment I leave and get onto the road, I'm punching the steering wheel in frustration and for what? Some girl I barely know?! What the hell is wrong with me?!

When I make it back home, I assume everybody is asleep which it seems like they are, so I decide to head upstairs with a drink and lay in bed thinking.

I try looking for something to watch and end up watching a movie then come right back to boredom and end up eventually falling asleep.


After waking up the next morning, I headed downstairs and noticed that I wasn't the only one up but Kix was as he was making some stuff to eat. I haven't seen him cook in a while.

"Since when did you become Martha Stewart?" I teased him.

"Since my mother had me watch her when I was little. Don't be hatin'. You know you love my cooking." He says.

"Yeah. Can't argue with that." I chuckle a little to myself as I grabbed me a cup of coffee and sat down and noticed his knuckles were all red and bruised. "What's with your hand?" I ask.

"Got in a fight." He shrugs.

"Oh." I say brushing it off cause it's not any news. Probably somebody called him something they shouldn't have since he's gay and he kicked their ass, which he should because I have always done that to defend him. I mean, come on, he's gay, he's not a disease. Besides, they're born that way. Just like we are all born with the colors on our skin, they are born gay. I personally have never minded it.

"I'll make you some in a little while, but right now, this is for..." He says and stops as he looks up and smiles.

"Good morning." I hear her sweet voice.

"Good morning gorgeous." He smiles and winks at her. "It's almost ready." He says.

I notice as she turns from after pouring herself some milk that she has some of her hair covering the side of her face. I've seen many women have that look, including my mom. But wait, how did she.....

"What happened to your eye?" I asked while not looking at her and drinking more of my coffee.

I could feel both hers and Kix's surprised looks at me but ignored them.

"Nothing happened." She says.

"Here ya go." Kix chimes in and hands her the plate.

"Thanks." She smiles at him and then starts heading upstairs.

"So what happened?" I asked while looking at him.

"I took care of it." Kix says as he starts cracking some eggs to cook.

"Kix?! I know that look. My mother had the same look whenever my father would hit her. So one last time, what the hell happened?" I ask.

"It was just a couple of drunks. A few hours into her shift she was bothered by some guys and instead of saying anything about it, she just tried brushing it off. Then during her break, I noticed she went towards the restroom and I saw one of the guys follow her, so I followed him. I had gotten there just in time cause I could hear her muffled screams and the bathroom door was locked then as soon as I busted it open, I had noticed he had just punched her. So I took care of it." He finishes.

"Where the hell are the bouncers and security?" I asked.

"I don't know. Hitting on some girls probably. Although a couple of them were outside like they should be." He says.

I can't believe that. Some asshole tried to attack her.

"I'll have a talk with the manager." I tell him.

Next I get up and start to head upstairs to my room but stop as soon as I pass her room.

I debate in my head if rather or not I should go inside or not. I'm probably the LAST person she would want to see right now. So I stand there at her door for a moment before I close my eyes and take a deep breath in then let it out before I knock on the door.

What am I doing?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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