CHAPTER 14: Don't Try To Change Me

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It was a great birthday yesterday and I finally gave in and asked Variella out. 

When I woke up this morning, I had noticed she wasn't next to me and I started heading downstairs after putting some pants on and saw she was making some breakfast.

She looked so hot. Her curves drive me crazy and all I can think of now is how great it is that she is all mine and nobody else's.

I wall into the kitchen while her back is towards me and wrap my arms around her waist as I kiss the side of her neck.

"Good morning." I tell her.

"Morning." She replies as she turns and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"It smells great." I tell her as I give her a peck on the cheek before I head over towards the coffeemaker to pour me some coffee.

"It should taste great too." She replies.

"I'm starving." I tell her while sitting down at the breakfast nook on a bar stool as she comes walking over with two plates and we start eating together.

"So what's the plan for today?" She asks me.

"Well, I need to meet with somebody and then afterwards, when I came back tonight, I was thinking of taking you out." I wink at her.

"Okay." She smiles.

After we finished with breakfast, we both headed upstairs to take a shower and everyone had seemed to be still sleeping. Which was fine by us because we decided to have some shower sex.

Then afterwards, she gave me a kiss goodbye before me and my guys headed over to the meeting and I have to admit, I can get used to this.

It's amazing how you convince yourself for so long that you don't deserve love. Yet then when there's someone like Variella who comes into your life that easily could have turned me down and say 'no' to me and what I do, instead gives me a chance. Is willing to see past what I do.

I start to get myself ready however for the meeting and throughout the entire time, I couldn't concentrate like normal without thinking about her. Man, already she has got me hooked.

When the meeting was finally over, I had Terrano drive us towards a few more runs before heading back home and for most of the time, I was texting Variella and make sure she was ready tonight.

I already had her have the day off after talking to the boss there and I couldn't wait to see what she was wearing.

When we got back to the house, I quickly headed upstairs after hearing that Variella was almost done getting ready.

Once I finished I headed downstairs and she was already there talking with Kix while wearing a nice laced dress that showed off her sexy ass curves, along with black tights and a pair of heels. I could feel my cock start to twitch in my pants.

"Hey man." Kix says.

"Hey." I reply.

She stands up and looks at me.

"Ready to go?" She asks with a smile.

"Yeah. But damn, you look amazing and hot as hell right now." I comment while I eye her up and down.

"Thanks." She blushes. "You look hot also."

"I know." I joke.

We head to the car and start to make our way towards the restaurant. After arriving, we walk hand-in-hand inside and give our order.

"I'm glad you asked me out." She smiles at me.

"Me too." I tell her while rubbing my thumb gently over her hand.

"You know..." She begins but is interrupted from the waiter bringing our order.

Which honestly, I didn't like very much. I know it's not his fault but the asshole got on my bad side the moment he looked at Variella with disgust. I had tried to ignore it but then he said something under his breath that made me lose it.

"Here you are sir. And here you are miss. Disgusting pig." He says the last part under his breath.

"That's it." I say while standing up and punching him so hard he falls back onto the empty table behind him.

"Don't you EVER disrespect anybody like that again, especially my girl." I tell him before bending over him and pulling him up by his collar to continue beating his face up.

Then I feel myself getting yanked off by a few waiters and notice the manager quickly come running out.

"Mr. DeLucca. What the hell is going on?" He asks.

"This low-life prick, disrespected my girl and I was just teaching him a lesson." I explain.

The manager and I go way back and have known each other for years.

"I'm so sorry Mr. DeLucca, I'll take care of this right away." He says and grabs the waiter by the collar to pick him up and starts pulling him towards the back while I turn and look back at Variella who I notice is gone.

I start heading outside to look for her and see her standing in front of the restaurant looking upset while trying to hold herself to keep herself warm.

"Hey, why did you leave?" I ask.

"Because what you did in there, as great as it was of you defending me, it was also embarassing. I mean everyone was looking at us and not to mention, you just punched the guy repeatedly as if you wanted to kill him. Do you always resort to that?" She asks with tears rimming around her eyes.

"Variella, this is who I am. Somebody disrespects me, my family or anybody else I car about, I'm defend them and teach them a lesson. That's who I am." I explain.

"So if I got you upset or disrespected you, you would do the same thing to me?" She asks.

"Of course not. Baby look at me." I tell her as I walk closer to her and lift her chin up to look at me. "Look I'm sorry if I scared and embarrassed you. I'll try and work on that okay?"

"I'm sorry but, it's just, I hate being around someone who resorts to violence like that. I mean it looked like you wanted to kill him and I know you are this big mafia boss man but, if you want to be with me, you can't do things like that." She says as tears fall down her face.

I look at her for a moment more and then start seeing in her eyes just how much fear I have just made her feel.

"I promise I will work on it. I don't want to screw this up." I assure her.

She then nods and as I wipe away a few tears, I lean in and give her a passionate kiss.

So instead of having dinner at the restaurant, since I ruined it, I had her choose what she wanted. Then we drove to a place that had a great view of the night sky and watching the moonlight bounce off the bay water while we sat on a blanket.

This girl is changing me and even though I'm not really complaining, I can't help but fear as to what she's doing to me. I hope she doesn't try and change me entirely.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hey guys, sorry it's been a couple of days since I posted for this and the other story, I have been real busy with work. But I'm again, back on track again. So here's this one and will have a chapter posted for the other one too in a moment. :):) Love you all. :)

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