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Minso's pov

"So I'll go to that school?"I raise my eye bow and ask my mom

"Yes!" "Mommy..Already Tell my friend...She also have a daughter who study there so you can be friends with them...tomorrow morning at 7:00 they will wait you at the front gate to lead you to the room...."


"You need to go...Minso"


"Prepare...Mommy will go to Australia to visit daddy so I'll let you stay there with them...That will be more safe"

"It so annoying....."

"You won't be annoying anymore when you go to that school.....You will be happy my girl...."

"Whatever...."I sigh and go to my room to be prepare for tomorrow

Tomorrow morning

Minso's pov

I'm done so I take a bus to that school,my mom told me the directions.After about 15min I arrive at the school.Where are them?It suppose to be in 7:15am but I didn't see anyone here.

"Hehehe!!!"Suddenly I hear a voice in front of me

"Ohhh!You here"I raise my head up and It yang ara my childhood friend

"ARA!"I shout out in joy while hugging her.

"I already know you here."

"My mom didn't tell me that is you..."

"Haha!Wait I'll introduce you...This Kim minju and this is Lee yevy and two best friend and since you are here to study with us we will be Best friend..."

"Hello!"I said

"Don't be shy...."Yevy said

"Let go to our room..."Yevy said

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