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A/N pov
Jaehyun is alway the fastest he take Minso to the hospital first-Then the boy keep the 2girl at the room and left to compete the information while Minso isn't waking up so the doctor give minju and injections first
"Stop!Dont!It hurt"Minju refuse to take it and shout even though her dad is doctor is still afraid of the needle-Because of minju dream too loud Minso awake
"Yah!Why di-."She didn't finish her sentence since she see minju afraid of needle
"Gwinchana-Minju just take it"Minso try to comfort her 
"It doesn't hurt that much"The doctor try to clam her down also but no one can stop her
"NOOO!"She try to avoid it and Minso has no power to stop her because she also sick-Then Yuta and Jaehyun is back at that time
"ANI-IT HURT"She shout and Yuta look at her expression with a stress face on her
"How are you?-You okay"Jaehyun walk to Minso and ask
"KIM MINJU"Yuta shout her name make her shock
"Take the shot"
"N-o"She pout and look up to Yuta who is looking in eye with her-Without any word Yuta sit down next to her and put her up on his lap
"Do it doctor"He try to catch minju
"AHHH!NOOOO"No action-Then the doctor just give her a shot-As an expected she cry
Yuta just wipe up her tear and try to comfort her now it is KANG MINSO TURN
"Plz Sit"The Doctor said because Minso is sleep again
"Who?Me?"She point to her self
"Yes-Who else?"
"Am I get a shot too?"
"Nooooo!I'm better now!No need"Minso try to refuse the shot she scared of it then minju
"You must take one"The Doctor said-Minso automaticity look to Jaehyun-He open his hand for a hug
"You won't hurt if you come here"Jaehyun said
"......"No idea pop out just sitting hug jaehyun and get the shot-She also cry like minju
"Don't cry-You not a baby"Jaehyun try to wipe her tear out
"You want to sleep?"
"Emm-I'm tired"Jaehyun Let Minso rest on his shoulder and she fall a sleep meanwhile Yuta is putting minju to sleep on his lap-All together in 1 room-This 4teenager-2girls-2boys Already fall al sleep

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