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Minso's pov
I walk out of my class and still thinking about what happen?Why did he do that?Suddenly I see him standing in front of the gate-He looking at me and smile also wink!I try to avoid him-
"Yah!I'm here!Where are you going?"He pull my jacket then my Body Automatically go back
"Did you embarrassed?Hah?"He said but I just stand still and not answer his question
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"Did you want to get one more?"He suddenly lean toward me again but
"Ok-Then let's go back to dorm together"He take my hand and walk-Gosh-You making me confuse right now jaehyun!!You suddenly act like this what is that mean?I have no choice so I just follow him back to our dorm
A/N pov
"Omo!You too cute"Bora son have arrive at the girl dorm and the boy come to the girl dorm
"Chansung-Hah-You too cute"Minju is addicted with him now(A/N anyone Fan k drama here-This name chansung I take it from drama name HOTEL DEL LUNA)
"Let's me tell you who are who"Minju is the one who the most excited
"My name is Minju-So Minju Noona,Here Yevy noona,There Ara Noona,And there Yuta hyung,Taeyong hyung.And The one going to take care of you is Jaehyun appa and Minso Mama "Minju last sentence make everyone stunned even Yevy who is playing with Taeyong Yuta looking at her-Ara didn't stunned because these all minju and Ara plan!Minso and jaehyun was like what are you talking about Minju?
"Yes-Brother let him call you because he don't have dad-And he must feel lonely"Minju try to explain
"Can't I?I want to have appa Mama like other kids do-My dad is cheating on my mom and now my mom is abandoned me.Everyone didn't like me right?"Chansung word make everyone eye get teary even Minso Who almost refuse to let him call her Mama
"You can-Mama is Here-Come here"Minso try to bring a happiness for him to get Papa Mama like other kids do
"MAMA!"He happy again-He go and hug Minso tightly
"Mama-How about him?"Chansung point to Jaehyun who is looking at them
"If I tell him to do-He must do it so don't worried"
"Hehe-Papa"Chansung is open his arm for jaehyun to hug him——Then jaehyun lift him up and hug him
"TOMORROW IS WEEKEND-Let's have some fun"Jaehyun said make everyone jump of joy
"You want to go to the park right?"Jaehyun asking Chansung
"Emm.I never go there"
"ALRIGHT BOY!Tmr let's go to the park"Minju is alway the one excited she run around the living room and shout out of joy

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