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valentinejae enjoy your special birthday and this part is for you!This is a special part for you!and sorry for keep you waiting because I'm sick now
Minso's pov
Itnight time now-I Prepare My self to the night market-together with jaehyun-I Don't Put too much make up I just put light make up on
And this is my outfit

I'm ready-and ready to leave"Unni-Where you going?"Suddenly minju enter my room slowly and said make me shock"Shhh!I'm going out side"I try to speak down if not she will tell everyone"Ok!But can u do me a favor?""Ok!Tell me""Bring this to Yuta-and...

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I'm ready-and ready to leave
"Unni-Where you going?"Suddenly minju enter my room slowly and said make me shock
"Shhh!I'm going out side"I try to speak down if not she will tell everyone
"Ok!But can u do me a favor?"
"Ok!Tell me"
"Bring this to Yuta-and tell him to meet me at the beach tmr morning 6:00am"
"Ok-Arrasos"She hand me a teddy that Ara got for her last day
I slowly leave my room and went to Yuta room which is also with jaehyun and Taeyong
"Hey!"Yuta open the door
"What wrong?"He said
"Minju-ask me to give this to you and meet her tmr at the beach at above 6:00am"I hand him a teddy that she give me
"Why should I?"
"Just do it-I get going——Byee"Then I run away—————Haha there I saw jaehyun is standing next the garden waiting for me with this outfits

(A/N:Ignore the background of this photo guys-just focuses only his outfits)This outfits really look good on him!He look perfect on every outfits"YAH!Why you standing like an staue Come quickly"His right-I'm standing looking at him"Coming——Did you...

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(A/N:Ignore the background of this photo guys-just focuses only his outfits)
This outfits really look good on him!He look perfect on every outfits
"YAH!Why you standing like an staue Come quickly"His right-I'm standing looking at him
"Coming——Did you wait so long??"
"I'm okay-Let go"Then he lead the way I just walk behind him
A/N pov
Minso always pull jaehyun with her everywhere she goes-She interest with every item she saw-and jaehyun have no choice so he just follow where she goes
"Look-How Cute It is"She hand him a necklace with a bracelet next to it-it has each letter it and end with a half of heart
"Jung jaehyun-Pay for it"Minso take a necklace with a letter M on it and the bracket with a letter J on it and she walk away-That Why jaehyun is paying for that-At least jaehyun saw her smile on her face make him happy toooo
The beaches
They sit down on the sand and watch the star together
"It a best day-Best day ever"Minso said while looking at the star
"And here-The bracelet-Since you pay for it I'll give you this bracelet"Minso give him a bracelet
"And help me wear my necklace"Jaehyn help her put on her necklace and he also put on his bracelet
"Thx"Suddenly Jaehyun try to cover her eye
"Yah!Jaehyun What wrong?Take your hand offf!!!"He Put his hand on Minso eye and kiss his hand instead of her eye
"Nth-sorry"He take of his hand and act like nth happen
"What wrong?"
"Nth———Look at the star"Jaehyun try to ignore what just happen
Back at hotel
"Here-take this"Jaehyun hand Minso a sticky note
"What is this?"
"You will know-Bye"Then he cover her eye and kiss his hand again like what he did
"What wrong with you?"Minso said because he still acting like this
"Bye bye"Then jaehyun walk to his room while Minso is opening the sticky note
It said Menu❤️
"What is this mean?"
"Ohhh Menu?He might want to eat sth tmr"
"Yah!Jaehyun tmr I'll take you to somewhere"Minso shout and jaehyun just wave bye bye and go
"Hahaha!Let find a good restaurant tmr"She said and giggle and go in her room back

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