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Minso's pov
The boy all stay for dinner-and now we done eating and this we all gather together in the living room-I look at chansung that on my lab!He sleep already-I get up and take him to my room-I realize that Jaehyun is following me to my room
"So-We need to take care of this boy?"I said
"Yea!We need to make him turn into a strong and wonderful boy"I didn't reply I just look at him-
"You tired right?Go to sleep also"Jaehyun said and I look at him
"Tmr we need to go to park-Get a wonderful sleep!My dear wife"
"Who is your wife?"I hit him
"I'm his papa and you are his mama!So who is my wife then?"I give him a dead glare
"Woah!It nearly Summer vacation-I nearly Can go home"
"You leave Seoul?"He ask him
"Yes-My parent is in Busan!If I don't leave where should I go?I need to go there 1week"After my sentence Jaehyun turn serious
"Get a good sleep!Bye!"He just finish his sentence and go out my room-Why Suddenly he turn serious?I wonder who nowadays he act like this?He alway keep saying me cute-And last morning he just kiss me-and now when I said that I go to busan he turn into serious when he suddenly act like this it make me hurt-He use to be silly to me and just a sec he turn to other person!I go after him-He didn't take his friends with him but he just go out alone
"BROTHER-WHY U LEAVING SO FAST?"Even minju the one he love the most call him he didn't even reply

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