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Jaehyun's pov

That girl is so annoying!!!I don't talk to her but she still talk to me!Ashh what an annoying guy!She even call me RUDE GUY!What wrong with her!After a boring lesson I fall a sleep!but I was sleep I just close my eye.

"Jung jaehyun!"The teacher call me out!I don't wake But this girl next to me she just

"Jaehyun!the teacher call you!wake"Ashhhh that wake me up!


"Come and solve this..."Teacher said

"So annoying!"I said quietly

Minso's pov

"Jaehyun!the teacher call you!wake"I said to wake him up

"Ashh!"He said!What wrong with him?

"So annoying!"Did he just said me annoying!!Ashh this Rude boy!But the thing is he solve it all correct!Woah!This math thing I never understand it!!He didn't even listen but he can solve it!!Wow!

"Go back!"He come back

"Good job!"I give him a thump up

"...."Again no answer and he sleep again

Break time

I keep my stuff probably!!But sth catch my eye he sleeping with an annoying face because of the sunshine....I stare at him a moments...His face is soft his lip is pink....Woah!What am thinking???I slap my self again and again!!I take my jacket and tie it with the window so the sunshine can be off he can sleep peacefully....

"Unni!HURRY"Minju calling me

"Coming!!"I said and run to minju

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