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A/N pov
Around of the 20students also include Minso and minju in there-So they start running as fast of their can
Someone's pov
I have turn the direction of the sign—————
Ara's pov
"Minju-Minso fighting-Fighting-Win a prize and share with meeeee"I shout out loud to cheer them up-But today I see minju face was sad-I don't know why but I the only think is maybe of Yuta make her like this Suddenly I See Yuta run toward to me and yevy Who was cheering for Two of them
"Where is minju?"He Suddenly ask me-
"Woah!Today it'll have a big rain-Nakamoto Yuta talk to me"I said because this guys never open is mouth and talk to me
"She just start running"I said and Yuta look worried
A/N pov
"Jaehyun-Yah-Jung jaehyun"Yuta is shouting for jaehyun name
"What?I'm here"Jaehyun is cover by Taeyong-Yuta went to him and pull jaehyun with him
"..........."Yuta told him sth make jaehyun face look shock
"F*ck you-Why did you just come?They already leave"
"I try my best to come"
"Come on-They will get lost-The forest must be dangerous for girl"Then this two run toward to The two girl
Because Minso and minju is faster they follow the 4th sign which is make them lost in the forest together alone there
Minso's pov
"Unni-I'm tired"Minju is trying to find a way out
"Me too-I'm also hungry"I said and touch my stomach
"Ouch..."I trip over and fall which make my angle hurt
"Unni-Are you okay?"Minju come and look at my angle
"Unni-Be more careful"Then she rip out her shirt a bit and cover the angle for me since her dad is a Famous doctor in Korean she know how to do some stuff like that
"I'll go get you some water-Wait here"Then she leave-If I stuck here alone I maybe die without her

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