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Tomorrow morning
A/N pov
Minso is alway the one who wake up first-So she is the one who woke everyone up
"YAH!KIM MINJU LEE YEVY YANG ARA WAKE UP"She shout from the kitchen
"YO!I'm awake"Ara wake up and come to the living room
"Hurry!We need to leave at 6:30am"Minso said
"Ok!Arasos"All of them hurry prepare all their stuff that they need!
"Done-Let Go?"Minju said
"Ok-let go now"Minso said And they all leave
"Ok guys-Put your package on the bus-and your sit-We stick your name on the chair do not  exchange-Sit at the name tags"Teacher said with a strict sound
Minso's pov
I didn't get to sit next to yevy-But I sit next to the sleepy guy-but now he not yet arrive yet
Suddenly I see he got in our bus and come toward me
"Hi!"I start after he sit next to me
"....."No answer!What wrong with him these day-He didn't even talk to me even a bit now
"Are you okay?"I ask again
"I'm not die!Dude"
"I thought you were!"
"I'm not going to die at this age"
"Haha!"I laugh at his action and he give me a dead glare which make me laugh even louder
"I can't-you too funny at this action"
"What ever continues your job KANG MINSO"
Jaehyun's pov
I want to spend more time with you-I wish at je-ju we can spend a lot time more———
She suddenly for a sleep on my shoulder——She look cute when she sleeping-I start ruffle her hair!She said she hate s1 ruffle her hair-That so funny

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