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A/N pov
Minju also fall asleep while on the bus-so when get off Yuta carry her straight to her room!!!Everyone is shock by his action because he never did this to minju since an accident happen-The most-The one who shock the most is Minso Ara and yevy they open their wibe so big
"ARA!That too big!The bug will go in your mouth"Yevy Tell Ara make Minso laugh so hard
Tmr morning
Minso's pov
Yevy left me behind and go with Taeyong-Minju already with Ara so I sit in class with 3more student waiting for teacher to come-I'm so bored right now-If only Yevy here she will talk with me and do some stuff-Suddenly the one I don't want to see and try to avoid arrive make me sweat-
"why you acting like this?"He ask me right the way
"........"No answer from me at all Then he sigh and smile at me Then he sleep-Why did he smile at me?What wrong with this guys?God Why did you think so much Minso?Sudden He grab my hand tightly
"Cover the sun shine"I thought it was sth else
"Why me?"
"You has promise me when we meet that you will cover the sun shine for me when I sleep___That day you take of the jacket and put on the window other wise to cover the sunshine for me"
A/N pov
Flashback to the second day they meet
"Why you alway Sleep?"Minso ask Jaehyun is have is eye close as alway
"I never get enough sleep_"
"Haha!Since you sleep-I'll be the one who alway cover the sun shine for you when ever you sleep"
"Promise_"That day they made a promise with each other that Minso will the one who cover the sunshine for jaehyun when ever he sleep

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