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Breakfast done
A/N pov
"Okay-Now we will go back and prepare also you guy prepare also-After we Done we will come and pick you guy and we will go together!"Jaehyun said
"Girls!Don't be late okay?Especially You LEE YEVY!Prepare faster"Taeyong said make his girlfriend give him a dead glare
"Ok!We'll leaving"
"Ok"The boy leave
"Guys!We need to hurry!"Minso said
"I need to take care of Chansung one more!And we only have 1bathroom"Minso continues
"Why don't chansung take a bath first?"Yevy said
"Ohh yeah"
"Chansung!"Minso rush to Chansung who is playing with minju phone on sofa
"Let's take a bath-Mama don't want to go in!Mama will wait outside"
"Yes madam!"Then Chansung go first!Yevy continues to sleep-Ara and minju playing video game again-Minso is waiting for Chansung to finish and dress for him
"Mama!I'm done!"
"Cover your self with towel and come out"
"Ne~"He come out and Minso lift him and carry him to her room-But before that
"YEVY UNNI!You go first!"Minju said but Yevy is still sleep!Ara and Minju look at each other
"LEE YEVY!"They both shout together
"Hah!"She shock at the loud shout
"Bathroom is calling you"Ara said
"Ok-I'll go"She still close her eye and go in side

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