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A/N pov
"YOU IDIOT"Yuta is shouting to Minju from other side
"Why you looking for another while your self is not feeling well?"Yuta is blaming her
"Why did you care?You never care about me?Why now?"Without heading answer from Yuta minju just stay silient
"I need to look for her"She try to get up but fail
"YAH!"Yuta lifting her up and carry her
"Let go check your wound again"
"NOOOO!I need to find Minso unni"
"She will be fine!"
"Ani!!Minso unni!!Put me down"She try to hit him to put her down but fail!Minju is checking by docter while jaehyun and Ara still looking for Minso
"MINSO!"Ara is shouting
"Ara-Ju is injured by falling of the stair___Go and look after her for me-Don't let her get into a trouble-Look after her well"Jaehyun stop for a moment and talk with Ara
"How did u know she injured?Did u guy have a twin telepathy?"
"Just go-And look after her for me"
"Ahhh-Okay arrasos-Find Minso-and bring her back for us"
"I know-Go"
"Good luck-Jaehyun"
"Yes!"Jaehyun Just Sit first And look up though the hold building of the school
"Isn't that Minso?"He look up and see the back of Minso
"it in the storage room"Then he rush to the storage room without any thinking
Storage room
"Yah!KANG MINSO!Is you in there"He try to knock the door hard of her to hear
"JAEHYUN?"Minso is crying because of her terrified of the dark
"DON'T CRY-I'm here"He try to push the door down as fast as he can
"DON'T PUSH THE DOOR-You will hurt your self"Minso try to stop him she still crying because she is alone because of the dark
"Don't cry"Minso is sitting down waiting for him-She cry so hard because of the dark-She have a NYCTOPHOBIA-The afraid of the dark phobia
"I'm here-Don't cry"He try to slam the lock-With his hand and anything he find next to him-He alway use his hand-And his hand start bleeding-
"IT NEARLY"He hand is cover with blood because he try to pull the key out
"MINSO"It finally open and he seeing Minso sitting infront of him at the back of the wall crying
"IT OKAY NOW"He go to her and hug her
"I'm scared.....I have a Nyctophobia"She try to catch back her breath-She cry a lot and now she can't breath well
"Minso-Don't cry-try to catch your breath"Jaehyun is comfort her
"MINSO"But the thing is she pass out already
"Why you alway passout?"He lifts her up and hurry carry her to clinic even though his hand is hurt like sh*t because trying to break the key with his both hand_____

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