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A/N pov
They all plan about what to do-
"You Minso-Don't Follow us-No matter what going on-You and Ara just take care of Chansung-And go home-I told Again DON'T FOLLOW"Jaehyun warn Minso!
"But...."Minso is still worrying——The plan is Doyoung will call some friends (Haechan-Taeil-Jaemin)To help them-and Ara also good at hacking-She will be the one who contact to police no matter what happen-they all wear the earphone and a hidden camera easily for Ara to see what going on
"We will be going-Haechan Taeil and Jaemin is going straight to the place"Doyoung said-Doyoung leave and Yuta And Taeyong Follow Doyoung in anger
"I warn you again-Don't come no matter what-I need to get minju and Yevy back for you too-even though u know the location-I don't want to see you hurt again-You suffer a lot-I'm worried about you-So Plz be safe-Don't come no matter what-Me Jung jaehyun will be back for you..."Minso tearing up-Jaehyun give her a kiss on her forehead
"Ara Plz take care her for me-and hurry go home-to check situation from your laptop"
"I'll-Jaehyun becareful"
"Papa-Fighting-Safety alway be with you"Chansung give his dad a peck on his cheek and Then Jaehyun leave
"Minso-Let's go and check"Ara hold Chansung and just pull Minso with her!But Minso is still looking at Jaehyun back
Other side
"You spoiled brat-Untie us"Yevy is shouting to them
"You dreaming girl"
"Yah!You guy watch them well-lock the door I'll be go out to talk to boss"
"Yes-Sir"They lock them in the side the room
"Minju-What wrong?"Yevy asking because Minju didn't seem well
" back-I Didn't get to drink medicine this afternoon"Minju and Doyoung is the twin because of their parents sickness make them sick as well!Theses two have the same concern which is HEART DISEASE!Minju get scared easily and now her heart disease is back
"Can u hold it?Are you okay?"
"I'm okay-But I think today my Twin brother will come"
"Sorry-Unni I didn't tell you-I have a twin."
"It not a problem but now-Are you sure you okay?"They had their hand die at the back together that why Yevy can't look at Minju carefully
The boy
"He out now-maybe there a little people left"Jaemin said
"Yeah!So Yuta And Taeyong you need to save the girls-and these boy we will take care of it"Doyoung said
"Got it!"They all do their job!
Minso's pov
"I can't stay like this!Let's go Ara-At least take a car and prepare when they take the girls back-Drive back"I said
"You know how to drive right?"I ask
"I know-and very well"
"So yeah let's go-borrow from our school-Just tell them Radom problem"
"No but come"
"Chansung-Want to come orr you stay here!"Minso look at Chansung
"I want to go to-Mama"
"Let's go"I lift Chansung up
A/N pov
"Clear-Let's find the girl"All the body guard was fight by The boys
"YEVY!LEE YEVY"Taeyong shout
"We're here" a sound inside the room appear but the door was lock!
"What should we do?"Haechan said
"We have no more time-He will be back"Taeil said
No wonder Jaemin Jaehyun Taeil Haechan And Doyoung is thinking about solution-but Yuta And Taeyong is pushing the door by their hand!They use both hand and leg also their shoulder-Finnaly the door open
"KIM MINJU!"Yuta said
"YEVY!"They rush to the girls
"Are you okay?Minju?"
"I'm cold,My concern is back"Yuta didn't understand about concern at all!He just hug her tightly
"Yevy!Are you okay!"
"My wrist is hurt!"
"LEE YEVY!"No wonder Yevy pass out
"Yah!What you guy doing?"The boss is back!Jaehyun jaemin Doyoung taeil And Haechan is controll them
"Find a place and take them out side"Jaehyun shout
"Okay!Be careful"The two boy both carry the girl to out side by the back door
"Yah!Come in"Yuta And Taeyong See Ara And Minso also Chansung in a van!They wonder how they get here
"Hurry!Where is jaehyun?"Minso first question is him
"Don't go!You will in danger"Yuta try to stop her!
"But him,"
"He will out soon"As an expected They boys come out and see The van and they all hop on
"ARA!HURRY!"Yuta shout
"Okay!"Ara take a big spreed-
"Find a near by hospital"Doyoung said!Among Jaehyun jaemin Doyoung taeil And Haechan,Jaehyun get a lot of wound
"Jaehyun-You okay?"Minso is talking to a pass out person
"ARA-PLZ BE FASTER"Minso shout
"Can you hand her to me a bit?"Doyoung asking for Minju who is in Yuta embrace
"Sure."She not yet pass out but have a tiny breath
"Sorry for late."
"Do-Do."Minju smile when she see her brother-but Yuta is jealous
"I miss you."This sentence from minju even make Yuta jealous
"I'm back-But-Kim minju,Don't tell me you don't take medicine?"
"I don't-At the afternoon"
"STUPID-How could you?"
"How about Jaehyun oppa?Is he okay?"
"He okay-Worried about your self"Doyoung said
Yuta is watching in a anger and jaelousy!Because he doesn't know Doyoung is Minju twin brother

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