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Minso's pov
''unni-where did you want to go buy?''minju walk at my back and ask me
''pharmacy''i said and minju looking at me
''Did you sick?''
''No- unii is fine''
''ok- let go''I said And minju walk hurry
After done buying
''Minju-you can go first''I said while looking at minju
''I'm need to take care of sth''I said and minju look confuse
"Just go-I'll be back"
"Okezz-Arrsos"Then minju run back to our dorm and I just sit on the bench
A/N pov
Minso is calling someone-Then suddenly jaehyun appear and Minso raise her hand to give a sign that she here
"Why you call me?"Jaehyun said After he come and stand infront of Minso
"Here-Clean you wound"She hand him the stuff she bought
"You don't need to do that"
"Whatever-Clean Your wound by yourself—I'll get going"Then she run back to her dorm but jaemin appear
"Ohhh!Hi jaemin"Minso greet him
"Minso?Why you here?It dark now"
"Him!I need to give him sth"Minso said pointing to jaehyun who is cleaning his wound by his self
"Ohhh!Becareful-It not safe for girl!"Jaemin said And ruffle Minso hair-She is stunned by his action
"Yah!Jamein-I don't feel good!Stop!I hate s1 ruffle my hair"Minso said And jaemin still ruffle his hair
"Yah!Jaemin"She chasing after him make the person sitting alone staring at them with a dead glare
"Is there no place to flirt?Why here?ASHHHH!It so annoying"Then he stand up and walk back to his dorm

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