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A/N pov
"Unni!Fighting!UNNI!!!FIGHTING"Minju cheering for Ara who is playing a claw machine for her-Now she already catch 4teddy Already
"YES!SARANGHAE"Ara got one more and minju said
"Enough?"Ara said while wiping her sweat
"YES!Unni chose one"Minju said
"Yes-Pick and the other I'll give to Yevy Unni and Minso unni"
"Ok-I'll pick this-Wait there are two the same-The same style but different color-1pink-1 blue"
"It okezzz-I'll take that two"
"Ok-Let go and eat sth together"Ara suggest
"YEY!And tmr we will die by our teacher"Minju said make Ara laugh
"Come on"
Minso's pov
I'm with yevy looking for Minju and Ara leave their class but we didn't see them
"Where are they?"Yevy looking around
"No idea"I said
"Yuta-Come here"Yevy call out someone
Yevy's pov
I call out Yuta because I know he will know sth about Ju-Ju-and the thing Yuta being cold to minju I also know about that-but I have no idea why he do this-He being cold to everyone-But he action is still caring about minju
"What wrong?"
"Did you see minju?"I ask
"Got scold by teacher"Then he leave-See he so cold
"Got scold by teacher?"I ask my self
"So What should we do?"Minso
"If minju got scold there no way Ara didn't got scold-So there only 1place their should be now"
"THEY ALREADY WENT TO PLAY GAME AND EAT STH AND NOW THEY ARE AT OUR DORM"I alway know their style because they alway do this
"Yes-Let go"

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