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Minju's pov
Minso unni also leave-what wrong?Suddenly Chansung wall out of the room looking for his papa mama
"Noona-Where are them?"How can I answer
"Err_"I try to finish my sentence but it was cut by Yuta
"Chansung-Go downstairs"
"Emm-Thx hyung"Then chansung go out
"Yah!What if he didn't find them!"I said
"Don't worry"
Minso's pov
"Stop!I'm out of energy"I have been chasing him for about 10min now
"Let's go-back"I try to shout
"You tired already?"He come back to me
"Yeah-Let's go back plz"
"Papa_"Suddenly chansung appear
"Agioo-Why are you here?"He lift chansung up
"To find you"
"Ohhhh-I'm sorry that I left you there"
"Let's go to that park-papa"He point to the park that I just go
"Ok-then let's go play abit"
After a long play-We come back-Chansung already fall asleep again so yeah-We come back
"Woah-It like one hole family"I said because These girl and boy already fall asleep
A/N pov
Taeyong is sleeping on Yevy lap-While Yevy Just Sit And Sleep-Yuta also sitting sleep-Minju fall asleep on Yuta shoulder and his hand touch her shoulder from fall to other side-Ara is sleeping on Minju lap-This action make Minso giggle!
"Stop giggle and go to sleep"She was blame by Jaehyun
"Arrasos!"Minso is sitting and waiting for jaehyun put chansung to sleep again because he awake and after a few min chansung fall asleep
Jaehyun's pov
Done!He sleep now!I turn back to Minso and she also asleep on her chair
"There is a bed-Why did u sleep here?"I sigh and carry her to her bed
"Sleep well good night_"I kiss her forehead

Destined Meet ; jjh ✔️Where stories live. Discover now