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Next day
Minju's pov
"Unni!Come here-Hurry"Me yevy Unni and Ara unni already left before Minso unni to talk about sth
"Next week-It Minso unni birthday!Did Unni remember?"I ask 2 of them
"Wow-Really?"Ara pretend to forget
"No joke-Unni"I slap her hand
"Ok-Let think about her gift together"Yevy said
"Ok-Let go first"Ara said
Minso's pov
I finished preparing for school-but I didn't see everyone here!Did they left before me?Whatever!I open the close all the light and ready to go!
"Omo!You scared me"I open the door and see jaemin infront the door
"Hehe-Sorry"Jaemin said
"Why you here?"I ask him
"Wait for you go to school!"
"Wait me?"
"Why wait for me?"
"Ashhh-Come on-We will late for school"Then he pull me with him
A/N pov
"Why you guy come early?"Minso go to Minju Yevy and Ara and ask them!And jaemin is still next to her
"We forget-Hehe"Ara said
Ring ring
"It time-Let Go"Yevy said and pull Minso to class
"See you-At lunch"Minju shout and go with Ara
"Yes-Bye"Yevy shout back
Minso's pov
I enter the class and see jaehyun is sleeping again
"Hey-Didn't you get enough sleep?"I sit down and ask him
"......"No answer
"Yah!"I said again
"Stop!I'm sleepy!"He suddenly get annoy
"Ohhh-Ok Sleep then"Then our teacher come
"Ok class-Today is self study"
"Yey!"All the student shout because all of us love self study
"But-Tomorrow-We will go on a vacation to
Je-Ju island"Teacher said
"With-3.4 class"Ohh it with Minju and Ara class
"YEY!"We all shout as a surprise
"So tmr meet at school at 7:00"
"Yes!"Then our teacher leave
"Hey!unni-Tmr it must be fun"Yevy come to me and said
"Yeah!I know right"I said
"But-Since we sleep at the same room-Plz wake me up-because I scared that I wake up late"

Destined Meet ; jjh ✔️Where stories live. Discover now