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Minso's pov
As soon as we get on the bus-I'm trying to avoid him-He been looking at me and smiling at me when we made eye contact he alway smile-but actually his smile is so cute-His dimple I want to poke it-AHHHHHHHH Stop thinking-I try to get some nap_____
A/N pov
"Ahhh-It hurt"Because of Minso is sleeping-Minju is sold her shoulder to Minso-She was sleeping on minju shoulder make her wine and said it hurt so much
"Oppa___"As you guy know Jaehyun is Minju only brother-Not slibling But cousin but they love eachother more than slibling
"Change sit"Right Jaehyun is sitting at the other side next to Yuta
"She doesn't want to sit next to me"jaehyun said
"She sleeping so she won't know-Brother plzzzz-I need to play game"Minju begging Jaehyun for exchange sit
"Ahhh-Arrasos"Then they exchange the sit-Eventhough they exchange the sit Minju is still being silient when she next to Yuta she didn't even speak a little bit
"Why She didn't even hear any noise just sleep like people dead?"Jaehyun mumble to Minso after exchange sit with minju while Minju is really silient like a robot!Minso's head had fall on jaehyun shoulder
"What is your reaction after you wake up So-So!!!Aww I think such a cute nickname"Jaehyun said to his self look like he talking to a ghost
"Cute-So cuteeeeee"Again he talking to a ghost near him!Hahah
Minso's pov
"WE BACK!"The sound of our teacher make me wake up but why the shoulder of Minju is so high!SHe actually has the same highs as me but when I look up it wasn't Minju IT HIM GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD WHY HE HERE?
I try to get up slowly without waking him up-because I'll be die if he wake up-By walking siliently at first and I run off the bus with a fear  that he might wake up and seeing me-I CAN'T FACE HIM RIGHT NOW

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