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Next morning

Minso's pov

"Unni come on"Minju shout

"You guy go first!I have sth to take care of!"I said

"Okay then!BTW minso!"yevy walk toward to me

"Your birthday?"



"So you our unni!"Yevy said

"So we will calling you unni!"Ara said


"Here!Unni your breakfast!"Yevy hand me my breakfast


"We gotta go first!"Ara said

"Emmm!"Then they all gone!!I open the door they all gone so I secretly walk to the bench!I see rude guy there

"Breakfast yet?"I ask him

"No!"Short reply

"Eat this!"I hand him my breakfast

"......"He just stare at me

"Eat it!"I said again

"How about you?"He ask
"Already!"I lie!He open the box

"Minju made it right?"Woah!How did he know?

"How did you know?You is her boyfriend?"

"No!Someone already love her and I can't be her boyfriend because she is cousin!"



"God!Whatever eat it!"He just finish his breakfast and we walk to the school!!When we arrive there a lot of people gossip!What wrong?Here??

Jaehyun's pov

There!See they are gossip about us


"Who is she?"

"....."I look at minso she don't know nothing

"How dare you!"She slap minso!!She alway like this whenever she see other person walk with me

"What wrong with you!I did nothing wrong!!!"

"You don't?"Hana!She suppose to slap her again but I catch her hand

"IT ENOUGH!"I shout

Minso's pov

"IT ENOUGH!"He shout and pull my wrist. I almost fell down.

"YAH!JUNG JAEHYUN COME BACK!"I can hear her voice.

Destined Meet ; jjh ✔️Where stories live. Discover now