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Minso's pov
We all at the park now!
"It so refreshing!"I said
"Let's get a group together-We can't go like this"Taeyong said
"I'll go with Ara Yevy and Chansung"Minju go first
"You two together!"Yevy said point to Minso and jaehyun
"And u with him"Yevy point to Taeyong and Yuta
"Awww-I want to go with you"Taeyong pout
A/N pov
"Nope."Yevy said!Minso hand Chansung to minju
"Let's have fun together without mommy daddy!"Minju said
"Let's go"Ara said
"No-My Yevy!Yevy!Baby"Yuta pull Taeyong with him and Taeyong still want Yevy
"I won't go!"He sit down down on the ground
"Yah!It Park not your House taeyong"Yuta said
"I won't go"Because of him talking nonsense Minso and jaehyun already left!Yevy look at her boyfriend action
"Get up!It not your house that you can do that"Yevy said
"No!"Yevy sigh and went near him!She sit down in front of him!
"Do you want to go?"
"Yes!With u"
"Come!Hurry!People will see you do this"
"Hehe!I love you baby"Taeyong kiss her cheek and go with her!
"I hate you too"Yevy said!Ara and minju also have a big sigh
The day was go well!Jaehyun and Minso is dating in the park while The other group is so annoying!Tehy shout and speak so loud!Minju Team rest on the bench!
"I'm so tired"Ara complain!Taeyong is resting on Yevy shoulder!While minju is also resting on Ara shoulder!and Chansung is annoying Yuta to play with him
"Let's go get sth to eat!"Ara suggest
"me Taeyong Yuta and Chansung!Let's go"Ara said
"Minju and Yevy stay here"She continues
"Let's go-and hurry come back"Taeyong said!
"Hyung-Hold me"Chansung open his arm for Yuta to hold him
"Because I want!"
"Nope"Then Chansung start to cry!Minju look at Yuta and their meet!She give him a dead glare!Yuta see it and hurry lift Chansung up
"Stop crying!Let's go"Yuta comfort him
"We will be back!"Ara said and they left
Someone's pov
"Hey!boss our plan is Minso and Minju!But now?"He talking in his earphone with his boss
"Yevy and Minju is okay though!Because If Minso worries a lot she will follow to find and we will catch her too!"His boss is girl
"Ok!Boss!So Minju And Yevy?"
"Yes!Becareful!Don't ruin our plan"She said
"Ok!Boss"He said
"Let's go"He said to his friend next to him

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