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Minso's pov
Did I ever said that?God I have lost my memory-When did I say all those thing?I wish to turn back time and I didn't say anything indeed-What can I do now?
"The teacher come"I try to avoid covering sun shine for him-Haha
"God-Why now?"He complain about teacher come faster-
Break time
"You first-I'll wash my hand first Yevy"I tell Yevy
"Ok-see you there"
Then I head to the wash place out side instead of the bathroom
A/N pov
"Done_"Minso said But when she suppose to turn back jaehyun is right infront of her now
"Why you trying to avoiding me?"He ask a question which make Minso can't find answer to tell him
"I'm not"Jaehyun is taking 1step forward while Minso is take 1step backward
"What?Do you want??"She ask with her voice is shaking
"...."No answer from him but he still taking a step forward make Minso shaking
"You too cute-when you are terrified"Jaehyun said made Minso eye so big and look up to him with a what wrong face!!!!
"Wha-t?"She ask to make sure what she hear is not wrong
"You too cute-when you are terrified"he repeats again make Minso stunned at one place
"......"No answer Minso is go down anit and run away
"TOOOOO CUTE"Jaehyun said while smiling and look at Minso action
Minso's pov
What wrong with him?Did he like the word CUTE?Why he alway say it?You driving me crazy now JUNG JAEHYUN!!!!!Ahhhh!!!!I might go to hospital!!!suddenly some one run into me-and it Hana
"Minso-Minju is stuck at the 3rd floor the storage room"Hana said-Why she so kind today?
"Yes KIM MINJU-IS STUCK"It made me worried now and she is serious
"I'll go-help me go and tell Yevy"
A/N pov
After Minso leave Hana sudden smrik
"You will get what you want KANG MINSO"She smrik Again-It all her plan that made Minso go up and stuck in the Storage room

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