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A/N pov
Ara And The boy are back But
"Where are they?"Ara pop a question-Didn't see Minju And Yevy at all-They walk toward the bench
But there are a paper on the bench
"If you want the girl back-Tell Jaehyun and Yuta to come-only two of them-If not these two girl will die"Ara read it out loud-
"Sh*t"Bith Taeyong and Yuta said-After hearing YUTA AND TAEYONG nearly rush to them But was stop by Ara
"Stop-You know where they take Minju and Yevy?Why did u follow?"Ara sentence make them turn back
"Let's call jaehyun here first"Ara suggest
"I'm here"Jaehyun and Minso appear
"Minju and Yevy have been kidnap"Jaehyun turn into a serious out of sudden
"NAKAMOTO YUTA-What did I told u?I tell you at the morning to look after her well"Jaehyun rush to grab Yuta shirt
"It not his fault-We all go to buy sth"Ara said try to calm jaehyun down-
"I told you Nakamoto yuta-If she get hurt-You will pay for everything"Jaehyun said The he pick up His phone to call someone
"Hello!Doyoung!Minju is kidnap as I told you-Plz come to the park-I will send you the location"
"HOW COME!What did I told u?"
"Just come first!"
"I'll be there in 10min"Doyoung is Minju's Twin Brother-He love his sister more then everything-He had says that if he can he would married minju!Jaehyun Doyoung and Minju Love eachother so much-Because of Doyoung business he told Jaehyun to take care of Minju for him-But now his business already done-Even jaehyun was scared when Minju get lost-because he thought he might broke his promise with his best friend that To take care of Minju!!Doyoung is twin Brother with Minju no one know it only Jaehyun and Ara know it!Sunce Ara is super close friend to Minju that why she told her everything!Doyoung is a HACKER!
"What wrong with her?"As he said 10min Doyoung has arrive
"......."Jaehyun explain
"Who is him?"Yuta ask
"No time to answer-Just know that Minju is the most important person to him-Not like you-You never keep her in your mind"Jaehyun said make Yuta stay silient
"Let's begin!"Doyoung start to Hack!Because of Minju and Yevy phone is with them so they can easily hack

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