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Yuta's pov
I wake up alone no one awake yet-even the one next to me-I See Ara is sleeping on her lap
"Yah!Ara!"I try to wake her
"Move your head-You making her hurt"
"Where is her room?"
"The left one"I answer me without opening her eye!I carry Minju to her room and put her on her bed-
"You alway Cute-even when you are sleeping"I kiss her forehead and suppose to walk away but I see her book is open and it has a letter on it-Maybe it her dairy-I look at her sleeping again and sit down on her chair and read it
It the worsted day ever in my entire life-he never act like that to me-But suddenly he begin being cold to me-I try to figure out why?I ask Ara but she said maybe he stress out-He alway being nice to me turn out to be a different person-I try to avoid my feeling for him but can't-I want to live in the past again—I want to stay in his embrace like before————
A/N pov
After reading Yuta feel bad-Because of his parent passout he turn to other person_and that make her sad-He open the last page and write sth on it———
"I would never stop loving you-Boo"Boo the name that he give her in the past-He never call like that since his parent passout-But this word alway come up to his mind-
"I just can't get rid of you_I no longer to look for anyone else"Yuta after write sth on her book he walk out to make breakfast!Then jaehyun seeing Yuta is making breakfast
"Woah-You wake up so fast"Jaehyun said
"Not like you-slow poke"
"You seem different today-What wrong?"

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