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Minso's pov
She return with a stretch on her hand also on her knee-She even try hide it not for me to see-So I just stay silient
"Maybe we should take a rest first"I said
I seeing her look exhausting
"You want to sleep on my lap?"I ask her since I alway saw her sleep on Ara lap
"Emmm"Then she rest my lap I toke of my jacket and cover her-Her face now is dirty now
10min later
A/N pov
The two girl who was sitting under the big tree start to get cold
"Unni-I'm cold"
"Me too"They just hug each other to releases the cold Suddenly
"KANG MINSO-KIM MINJU"The two boy is looking for them now
"KIM MINJU"The boy both shout after seeing them
"Gwinchana?"Jaehyun approach Minso faster then Yuta who still stunned by Minju get a lot of strecht on her body and who is freezing looking toward him in too eye-With an expected From Yuta minju bring out her two hand which mean she want a hug-It surprise Yuta that she not angry for brining the promise
He go and hug her tightly
"YAH!Kang minso"Jaehyun shout make Yuta surprise-Minso passout in his arm
"Let go Yuta-No wasting time here"
"Let go"Jaehyun lead the way which Yuta is still busy while putting minju up and give her a piggyback
"Manh-i apeuni?"Yuta ask her
"Emmmm-It Hurt a lot"
"We will be there soon"
"I WILL CATCH YOU UNTIL MY LAST BREATH"This word not for minju but for someone else
"Minso!Hold on!We nearly There"Jaehyun Who is Hurry to bring Minso
"IF I DON'T GOT YOU I DON'T DESERVE TO YOU THIS GIRL"Also this word not for Minso is also for the one Yuta mentioned

Destined Meet ; jjh ✔️Where stories live. Discover now