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Minso's pov
I don't see....Rude guy eating something...What wrong with him?Whatever....I go find him
"I'm full..."I stand up and said
"Aww...You didn't finish it...and I just seeing you playing with your food...."Yevy said
"I'm full....I gotta go to take some book from locker...I'll go first...."
"Ok then..."
Where is him?I can't find him....Rooftop Let go check...I run to the roof top to find him
There he is....Sitting like an emotional person who just broke up
"What wrong?"I ask
"Here eat sth....."
"I'm okay!"
".....Cut it into 2"
"I won't eat then...."
"Arrasos...I'll cut"Then I cut into 2
"Put into my mouth..."
"My hand is hurt..."
"Ashhh!"Then I Put it into his mouth
"Good now?"I ask him
"Yes sir!" I answered and feed him the other half.
"Ahhh!" I put it in his mouth but this time he opened his bigger than before and his lip touch my finger tip a bit.
"Eh!!" I blushed and was going to take my hand out but he use his hand to grab my hand. He chewed the food fast and look me in the eye. We were staring at each other for a while.
"Ah! My hand is sticky, I need to clean my hand" I was going to leave but....
"Yah!I will go too..."He said and go with me....
"Come on,Hurry"
During the class
"Okay,Guys....Now it time you guy to chose your own club.....You know right?"The teacher said
"yes,madam"We all said
"Okay....I'll call out you guy name one by one and tell me,Okay?"
"Lee yevy?"
"Kim Jennie?"
"Kim jisoo?"
"Jung jaehyun?"
"Na jaemin?"
"Kang minso?"
"Novelist-ma-dam"Suddenly I feel dizzy maybe because I didn't eat both breakfast and lunch
Jaehyun's pov
"MINSO"I shout seeing she pass out

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