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Minso's pov
I go after him to downstairs-I see him walking to the small park near our dorm-I start to following him-He sitting on the swing-I slowly approaching him-I sit in front of him
"What wrong?Why you suddenly act like this?"I ask him with a soft voice otherwise this guy will angry
"........"No answer from him at all
"You use to play around with me-You use to say that I'm cute all the time-Why suddenly you act like this?"I try to get his answer
Jaehyun's pov
I think-I can't wait any longer I might going crazy
Minso's pov
Still didn't get his answer at all-Suddenly he raise his head up and look at me straight into my eye!
"Yes?I glad to hear your answer!!!"
"You want to know why?"
"Because_______I love you"Sorry?I stunned again!I hear it wrong right?Nah!There now no way a boy like him-Love me!Stop dreaming
"Geez!Stop joking around-Tell me the reason"
"That the reason-I love you"I just stand still like staue!
"Hehe!No joke hah!No funny!"
"You still don't believe?"
"There no way a boy like u_"I didn't even finish my sentence but he press his lip on mine!I just froze there!My hands are freezing!I didn't kiss him back at all!My body is froze now!After a min he broke the kiss
"Minso-The way I like you is-The way you take good care of your friend especially Minju-You alway take a good care of her-You rather got hurt your self but you don't want anyone to got hurt-That day when you get lost with Minju at the forest-My mind is not with minju at all-It not the same like the past-I alway worries about minju the most-at the past kim minju mean everything to me-because she only the Cousin I have-I been taking care of her since she was born!That why she mean everything to me-but when you come into my life you change me everything-And now you mean everything to me Minso-even the care that I used to  have for minju you take it all-At that time I was going crazy....crazy like-I can't explain it-Also the time you talking and laughing with jaemin-It make me jealous-Jealous-until I could have kill him if I can_And now you have to leave me to busan-How can I be happy?"His long sentences make my eye full of tear-I can't believe what I just heard-
"So-It is real?"
"I rather die if I lie even a single word to you"
"Why you have to keep that long?Why don't you just tell me earlier?"he wipe out my tear
"Now I tell you already-I love you kang minso"I Don't reply to him at all I just hug him tightly!
"Today-Friday-6:30pm-You officially JUNG JAEHYUN girlfriend"
"I didn't say- I willing to be your girlfriend!"
"So you don't?"
"NO-NOT EVER"He suddenly kiss me again
"Who is your boyfriend?"
"Jaemin!"He give me a dead glare and kiss me again
"I'll ask again-Who is your boyfriend?If not the right answer-Your cheek will turn into red"What the!
"Not jaemin-But also not you"Again he kiss again but this time on the cheek!He kiss again and again
"You want lip?Not cheek?Okay"
"Who is your boyfriend then?"
"Silly-Jung jaehyun!"
"Good!That the way I love you!"He kiss me again and run away
"Yah!Come back!You little"

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