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A/N pov
They all stay in one room-different bed-Yuta and Doyoung is talking about sth-Minso sleep on Jaehyun hand-Jaehyun also a sleep-Ara is take care of Minju!Taeyong is sleeping-Yevy also does-Chansung want to sleep with minju so he climb to minju bed!Jaemin and other also is talking with Doyoung and Yuta!
"We still have the boss-We need to catch their boss to make everything goes back to the same!"Doyoung said
"I think-We should do now-I don't want to bother anyone though"Yuta said
"Ara!Whould you mind to drive us?"Yuta ask
"Okay!"Ara acept And they all gone!
Doyoung is hacking on the car again!While Ara drive as fast as she can!Suddenly Yuta phone rang!It's not his phone but it jaehyun phone-He Take it with him because his phone is already dead
"Don't answer!!"Doyoung stop him!
"I found the big boss!"He said!Everyone father around him
"Who?"Ara shout from the driver sit
"HAN HANA!Did you guy do anything to her?"Doyoung said
"We don't!She love jaehyun!"
"She love Who?"
"JUNG JAEHYUN!"Ara make it clear
"It's okay!Let's go back to hospital!"Doyoung seem sad!Hana is Doyoung ex girlfriend
At hospital
"Where is every one?"Minju wake up!
"Everyone is here!"Minso also awake
"Yuta?My Brother?Jaemin?Ara Unni?"Minju said
"Sh*t they left to find them!"Minso see the paper in her hand which was written by Ara
"Hah?" "Unni!When you come!Did you bring my bag?"
"Yeah!I use your bag to put some stuff in there!"Minso take Minju's bag
"What wrong?"Yevy also awake
"I know last time-When last morning before we go to the park-He carry me to my room-He even read my dairy-He write sth on there-My dairy book is in my bag!"Minju said while She trying to find her book!
"Here!"Minso Help her find
"Yah!Taeyong!Help me out!I want to vomit!"Yevy jit Taeyong head
"Hah!Vomit!Wait babe!"

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