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Minso's pov
As I enter our room-I see minju sitting on the sofa alone
"Why don't you go to sleep?"I sit down and ask her
"I'm waiting for you unni-How was it?"She curious about what she ask me to do
"He agree-Tmr at the beach 6:00am"
"YESSSS!Thx you unni-saranghae"She give me a peek and run to her room exciting
"Ashh this girl"
A/N pov
Next morning🌞
All of them is preparing their self for a running marathon-Meanwhile Minju and Minso is waiting for Yuta at the beach—Minso is drag to come with minju
"Where is he?"Minso get annoy and ask they already wait for 30min now
"I don't know-Didn't he told you that he come?"
"Yeah-But I don't know now"Minso said
"Ashhh-Damn it"Minju stand up and walk away
"Yah!Wait for me"Minso run and follow her to the marathon field
"Ok!Guy the way that we run we already put some sign on the way-Follow the line and you will not get lose!!GOT IT?"
"There two round-First round is a number 1-20"After hearing that all the students that on their shirt have number come to the front and prepare them self

Destined Meet ; jjh ✔️Where stories live. Discover now