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Minso's pov
I was told to walk back to my hotel room-and I still thinking of the sentence-When I think I alway get a goosebumps____What wrong with you Minso?And why that guys said such that things?GOD!What should Minso do?I just keep thinking about his word then he smile face appear on my mind
"STOP-MINSO-NO GOOD AT ALL"I try to wake my self up from the thought-Suddenly my phone vibe
Jaehyun:Hey-How are you doing?
God!It him again———Why he message to me?What should I do?What should I reply?Ashhh I have no idea
Jaehyun:Yah-answer!!!Don't quiet like that
Jaehyun:Reply!HOW ARE YOU DOING?
I just throw my phone away on my bed and try not to seeing them
Next day morning
Minso's pov
Today is the day we going back to Seoul and we all standing waiting for our school bus to drive here-But the thing is
"Minju!Kim minju"I call minju who is stunned by playing game
"Did they change the place that we sit?I mean how we sit next to each other when we come here?"I ask her but
"........"No answer from her even a bit
"yes?Orrr-maybe they not change-or they can be change-but I think they'll change"Minju said without looking at me even a bit
"Ottoke!!"I start to worried what if I sit next to him again-I'm going crazy
"Can we sit next to each other?"I look at minju
"EMM!Let ask teacher"
"But Unni-You Sit next to me-I'll be playing all hour-My hour is all game"
"It ok-unless I can sit next to you"

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